Word forms: plural saintspronunciation note: The title is usually pronounced (sənt).
1. countable noun & title noun
A saint is someone who has died and been officially recognized and honoured by the Christian church because his or her life was a perfect example of the way Christians should live.
Every parish was named after a saint.
...Saint John.
2. countable noun
If you refer to a living person as a saint, you mean that they are extremely kind, patient, and unselfish.
My girlfriend is a saint to put up with me.
saint in British English
(seɪnt, unstressed sənt)
a person who after death is formally recognized by a Christian Church, esp the Roman Catholic Church, as having attained, through holy deeds or behaviour, a specially exalted place in heaven and the right to veneration
a person of exceptional holiness or goodness
3. (plural) Bible
the collective body of those who are righteous in God's sight
4. (transitive)
to canonize; recognize formally as a saint
Derived forms
saintdom (ˈsaintdom)
saintless (ˈsaintless)
saintlike (ˈsaintlike)
Word origin
C12: from Old French, from Latin sanctus holy, from sancīre to hallow
saint in American English
a holy person
a person who is exceptionally meek, charitable, patient, etc.
3. [pl.]
those, esp. holy persons, who have died and are believed to be with God
in the New Testament, any Christian
b. [S-]
a member of any of certain religious groups calling themselves Saints
in certain Christian churches, a person officially recognized as having lived anexceptionally holy life, and thus as being in heaven and capable of interceding for sinners; canonized person
verb transitive
to make a saint of; canonize
see also John1, Paul1, for other entries, see St
Word origin
OFr < LL(Ec) sanctus, saint < L, holy, consecrated, pp. of sancire, to consecrate, akin to sacer: see sacred
Examples of 'saint' in a sentence
I stood a good chance of being canonized as their patron saint, after what I'd done.
Kate Cann READY? (2001)
saint: a dead sinner revised and editedAmbrose BierceThe Devil's Dictionary
In other languages
British English: saint /seɪnt; sənt/ NOUN
A saint is someone who has died and been officially recognized and honoured by the Christian church because his or her life was a perfect example of the way Christians should live.
Every parish was named after a saint.
American English: saint
Arabic: قِدِّيس
Brazilian Portuguese: santo
Chinese: 圣人
Croatian: svetac
Czech: světec
Danish: helgen
Dutch: heilige
European Spanish: santo
Finnish: pyhimys
French: saint
German: Heiliger
Greek: άγιος
Italian: santo
Japanese: 聖人
Korean: 성인
Norwegian: helgen
Polish: święty
European Portuguese: santo
Romanian: sfânt
Russian: святой
Latin American Spanish: santo
Swedish: helgon
Thai: นักบุญ
Turkish: aziz
Ukrainian: святий
Vietnamese: vị thánh
All related terms of 'saint'
a market town in NW France : a Calvinist stronghold in the 16th century. Pop: 20 537 (2007)
Saint Bride
453–523 ad , Irish abbess ; a patron saint of Ireland . Feast day : Feb 1
Saint Clair
→ Lake Saint Clair
a residential suburb of Paris : former royal palace ; Sèvres porcelain factory. Pop: 29 981 (2006)
Saint Croix
an island in the Caribbean , the largest of the Virgin Islands of the US: purchased from Denmark by the US in 1917. Chief town: Christiansted. Pop: 53 234 (2000). Area: 207 sq km (80 sq miles)
Saint Denis
3rd century ad , first bishop of Paris ; patron saint of France. Feast day: Oct 9
Saint Denys
Maurice ( mɔris ). 1870–1943, French painter and writer on art. One of the leading Nabis, he defined a picture as " essentially a flat surface covered with colours assembled in a certain order"
Saint Gall
a canton of NE Switzerland . Capital: St Gall . Pop: 455 200 (2002 est). Area: 2012 sq km (777 sq miles)
Saint John
a port in E Canada , at the mouth of the St John River : the largest city in New Brunswick ; very often not abbreviated to 'St'. Pop: 90 762 (2001)
Saint Jude
the author of this, stated to be the brother of James ( Jude 1) and almost certainly identical with Thaddaeus ( Matthew 10:2–4). Feast day: Oct 28 or June 19
Louis Antoine Léon de ( lwi ɑ̃twan leɔ̃ də ). 1767–94, French Revolutionary leader and orator . A member of the Committee of Public Safety (1793–94), he was guillotined with Robespierre
Saint Kilda
a group of volcanic islands in the Atlantic , in the Outer Hebrides: uninhabited since 1930; bird sanctuary
Saint Kitts
an island in the E Caribbean , in the Leeward Islands: part of the state of St Kitts and Nevis . Capital: Basseterre . Pop: 34 703 (2001). Area: 168 sq km (65 sq miles)
Saint Leger
→ the Saint Leger
Saint Louis
a port in E Missouri , on the Mississippi River near its confluence with the Missouri: the largest city in the state; university ; major industrial centre. Pop: 332 223 (2003 est)
Saint Lucia
an island state in the Caribbean , in the Windward Islands group of the Lesser Antilles: a volcanic island; gained self-government in 1967 as a British Associated State; attained full independence within the Commonwealth in 1979. Official language: English. Religion : Roman Catholic majority . Currency: E Caribbean dollar . Capital: Castries . Pop: 178 844 (2017 est). Area: 616 sq km (238 sq miles)
Saint Luke
a fellow worker of Paul and a physician ( Colossians 4:14). Feast day: Oct 18
Saint Mary
the mother of Jesus , believed to have conceived and borne him while still a virgin ; she was married to Joseph ( Matthew 1:18–25). Major feast days: Feb 2, Mar 25, May 31, Aug 15, Sept 8
a town in N France, on the Seine : an industrial suburb of Paris ; famous flea market. Pop: 46 510 (2009)
Saint Paul
a port in SE Minnesota , capital of the state, at the head of navigation of the Mississippi : now contiguous with Minneapolis (the Twin Cities). Pop: 280 404 (2003 est)
( Charles ) Camille (kamij). 1835–1921, French composer, pianist , and organist . His works include the symphonic poem Danse Macabre (1874), the opera Samson and Delilah (1877), the humorous orchestral suite The Carnival of the Animals (1886), five symphonies , and five piano concertos
Comte de ( kɔ̃t də ), title of Claude Henri de Rouvroy. 1760–1825, French social philosopher , generally regarded as the founder of French socialism . He thought society should be reorganized along industrial lines and that scientists should be the new spiritual leaders . His most important work is Nouveau Christianisme (1825)
patron saint
The patron saint of a place, an activity , or a group of people is a saint who is believed to give them special help and protection .
Saint Albans
a city in SE England, in W Hertfordshire : founded in 948 ad around the Benedictine abbey first built in Saxon times on the site of the martyrdom (about 303 ad ) of St Alban ; present abbey built in 1077; Roman ruins . Pop: 82 429 (2001)
Saint Andrews
a city in E Scotland , in Fife on the North Sea: the oldest university in Scotland (1411); famous golf links . Pop: 14 209 (2001)
Saint Austell
a town in SW England, in S Cornwall on St Austell Bay (an inlet of the English Channel): centre for the now-declining china clay industry; the Eden Project, a rainforest environment in the world's largest greenhouse , is nearby ; administratively part of St Austell with Fowey 1968-74. Pop (with Fowey): 22 658 (2001)
Saint Bernard
a large breed of dog with a dense red-and-white coat, formerly used as a rescue dog in mountainous areas
a market town in NW France, near the N coast of Brittany . Pop: 46 087 (1999)
Saint Brigid
453–523 ad , Irish abbess ; a patron saint of Ireland . Feast day : Feb 1
Saint David's
a town in SW Wales, in Pembrokeshire : its cathedral was a place of pilgrimage in medieval times. Pop: 1627 (2001)
a full-bodied red wine , similar to a Burgundy , produced around the town of Saint-Émilion in Bordeaux
a town in E central France : a major producer of textiles and armaments . Pop: 178 530 (2007 est)
Antoine de ( ɑ̃twan də ). 1900–44, French novelist and aviator . His novels of aviation include Vol de nuit (1931) and Terre des hommes (1939). He also wrote the fairy tale Le petit prince (1943)
Augustus 1848-1907; U.S. sculptor , born in Ireland
Saint Helena
a volcanic island in the SE Atlantic, forming a UK Overseas Territory with its dependencies Tristan da Cunha and Ascension , and the uninhabited Gough, Inaccessible , and Nightingale Islands: discovered by the Portuguese in 1502 and annexed by England in 1651; scene of Napoleon's exile and death. Capital: Jamestown . Pop: 4255 (2013 est). Area: 122 sq km (47 sq miles)
Saint Helens
a town in NW England, in St Helens unitary authority, Merseyside : glass industry . Pop: 102 629 (2001)
Saint Helier
a market town and resort in the Channel Islands, the capital of Jersey , on the S coast . Pop: 28 310 (2001)
town in S Quebec , Canada: part of metropolitan Montreal : pop. 77,000
Saint John's
a port in Canada , capital of Newfoundland and Labrador , on the E coast of the Avalon Peninsula . Pop: 122 709 (2001)
Saint Joseph
the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus ( Matthew 1:16–25). Feast day: Mar 19
Saint Laurent
a W suburb of Montreal , Canada . Pop: 77 391 (2001)
Saint Leonard
a N suburb of Montreal , Canada . Pop: 69 604 (2001)
Saint Lucian
of or relating to Saint Lucia, an island state in the Caribbean
Saint Martha
a sister of Mary and Lazarus who lived at Bethany and ministered to Jesus ( Luke 10:38–42). Feast day: July 29 or June 4
Saint Martin
an island in the E Caribbean , in the Leeward Islands: administratively divided since 1648, the north belonging to France (as a dependency of Guadeloupe until 2007, then as a separate French Overseas Collectivity ) and the south belonging to the Netherlands (as part of the Netherlands Antilles until 2010, then as a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands); salt industry . Capital (French part): Marigot; ( Dutch part): Philipsburg. Pop: (French) 36 824 (2009); (Dutch) 37 429 (2010 est). Areas: (French) 52 sq km (20 sq miles); (Dutch) 33 sq km (13 sq miles)
Saint Matthew
a tax collector of Capernaum called by Christ to be one of the 12 apostles ( Matthew 9:9–13; 10:3). Feast day: Sept 21 or Nov 16
Saint Michael
one of the archangels . Feast day: Sept 29 or Nov 8
a village in NE France , on the River Meuse : site of a battle in World War I, in which the American army launched its first offensive in France
Saint Moritz
a village in E Switzerland , in Graubünden canton in the Upper Engadine , at an altitude of 1856 m (6089 ft): sports and tourist centre. Pop: 5589 (2000)
a port in NW France , at the mouth of the River Loire : German submarine base in World War II; shipbuilding. Pop: 71 373 (2006)
Chinese translation of 'saint'
(Rel) 圣(聖)徒 (shèngtú) (位, wèi)
(= good person) 圣(聖)人 (shèngrén)
he's no saint他并(並)不是十全十美 (tā bìng bùshì shí quán shí měi)
or (esp US) St.
(= street) 街 (jiē)
Word forms:plSS
(= saint) 圣(聖)人 (shèngrén)
subject word lists
See Saints
saint: a dead sinner revised and edited [Ambrose Bierce – The Devil's Dictionary]