the ability of a system to conduct electricity, measured by the ratio of the current flowing through the system to the potential difference across it; the reciprocal of resistance. It is measured in reciprocal ohms, mhos, or siemens
Symbol: G
conductance in American English
the ability of a component to conduct electricity, measured in siemens and equal to the ratio of the current to the voltage: it is the reciprocal of resistance: symbol, G
Conductance is a measure of how easy it is for a particular voltage to force a current through a resistor.
The conductance value is one way to measure the resistive characteristic of any battery or cell.
Conductance is also sometimes referred to as "admittance" or "acceptance", because it relatesthe electrical or conductive efficiency of a circuit.
Conductance is a measure of how easy it is for a particular voltage to force a current througha resistor.
Word familyconductivityconductorThe noun 'conductance' and both of the nouns above come from the verb conduct, which means 'to enable electricity or heat to move through'.