a commander or soldier in a professional mercenary company in Europe from the 13th to the 16th centuries
Word origin
C18: from Italian, from condotto leadership, from condurre to lead, from Latin condūcere; see conduct
condottiere in American English
(ˌkɑndɔˈtjɛreɪ; Italian ˌ kɔndɔtˈtjɛʀɛ)
nounWord forms: pluralˌcondotˈtieri (ˌkɑndəˈtjɛri; Italian ˌkɔndɔtˈtjɛʀi)
in Europe from the 14th to the 16th cent., a captain of a band of mercenaries
Word origin
It < condotto, one hired < L conductus, mercenary soldier < pp. of conducere, to hire, lead together (see conduce); infl. in It by condotta, leadership < same L source