an instrument for finding direction, usually having a magnetized needle which points to magnetic north swinging freely on a pivot
2. Also called: pair of compasses(often plural)
an instrument used for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc, that consists of two arms, joined at one end, one armof which serves as a pivot or stationary reference point, while the other is extended or describes a circle
limits or range
within the compass of education
4. music
the interval between the lowest and highest note attainable by a voice or musical instrument
5. archaic
a circular course
to encircle or surround; hem in
to comprehend or grasp mentally
to achieve; attain; accomplish
9. obsolete
to plot
Derived forms
compassable (ˈcompassable)
Word origin
C13: from Old French compas, from compasser to measure, from Vulgar Latin compassāre (unattested) to pace out, ultimately from Latin passus step
Examples of 'compasses' in a sentence
It was a remarkable feat of navigation made without magnetic compasses.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
There are compasses and maps, a barbecue on the deck and board games.
The Sun (2014)
So intense was the storm that compasses went haywire.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He told us to design a city, and duly handed out rulers and compasses.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
Go back to your compasses, to your television programmes!
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The two compasses of our published memories do not even touch.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
But they lack other basic equipment, from compasses to head torches.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
Carve it into your arm with a pair of compasses.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
There is a common myth that compasses show the true direction of north.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Boards set the tone and play a central role in developing organisations' moral compasses.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All related terms of 'compasses'
A compass is an instrument that you use for finding directions. It has a dial and a magnetic needle that always points to the north.
pair of compasses
an instrument for finding direction, usually having a magnetized needle which points to magnetic north swinging freely on a pivot
calliper compasses
an instrument for measuring internal or external dimensions , consisting of two steel legs hinged together
bow compass
a compass for drawing , in which the legs are joined by a flexible metal bow-shaped spring rather than a hinge , the angle being adjusted by a screw
bow-spring compass
a compass for drawing , in which the legs are joined by a flexible metal bow-shaped spring rather than a hinge , the angle being adjusted by a screw
beam compass
an instrument for drawing large circles or arcs , consisting of a horizontal beam along which two vertical legs slide
radio compass
any navigational device that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio waves transmitted from a particular radio station or beacon
inductor compass
a compass that depends on the current induced in a coil revolving in the earth's magnetic field
magnetic compass
a compass containing a magnetic needle pivoted in a horizontal plane , that indicates the direction of magnetic north at points on the earth's surface
mariner's compass
a compass used for navigation at sea
prismatic compass
a kind of magnetic compass , fitted with a small prism , that enables the heading to be read while sighting
earth inductor compass
a compass that depends on the current induced in a coil revolving in the earth's magnetic field
an instrument for measuring internal or external dimensions , consisting of two steel legs hinged together