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View usage for: (mes) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense messes, present participle messing, past tense, past participle messed1. singular nounIf you say that something is a mess or in a mess, you think that it is in an untidy state. The house is a mess. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess. Linda can't stand mess. Synonyms: untidiness, disorder, confusion, chaos More Synonyms of mess 2. variable nounIf you say that a situation is a mess, you mean that it is full of trouble or problems. You can also say that something is in a mess. I've made such a mess of my life. ...the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess. She'd got herself into a mess, of that he was certain. Synonyms: shambles, botch, hash, cock-up [British, slang] More Synonyms of mess 3. variable nounA mess is something liquid or sticky that has been accidentally dropped on something. Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit. I'll clear up the mess later. 4. countable noun [usually singular]The mess at a military base or military barracks is the building in which members of the armed forces can eat or relax. ...a party at the officers' mess. He hurried to the Mess to find the control officer. Phrasal verbs: See mess around See mess up See mess with More Synonyms of mess (mɛs) noun1. a state of confusion or untidiness, esp if dirty or unpleasant the house was in a mess 2. a chaotic or troublesome state of affairs; muddle his life was a mess 3. informal a dirty or untidy person or thing 4. archaic a portion of food, esp soft or semiliquid food 5. a place where service personnel eat or take recreation an officers' mess 6. a group of people, usually servicemen, who eat together 8. mess of pottage verb9. (transitive; often foll by up) to muddle or dirty 10. (intransitive) to make a mess 11. (intransitive; often foll by with) to interfere; meddle 12. (intr; often foll by with or together) military to group together, esp for eating Word origin C13: from Old French mes dish of food, from Late Latin missus course (at table), from Latin mittere to send forth, set out (mɛs) noun1. a portion or quantity of food for a meal or dish 2. a portion of soft or semiliquid food, as porridge 3. unappetizing food; disagreeable concoction 4. a. a group of people who regularly have their meals together, as in the army b. the meal eaten by such a group c. the place where it is eaten 5. a disorderly or confused collection or mass of things; jumble; hodgepodge 6. a. a state of embarrassment, trouble, difficulty, or confusion; muddle b. a state of being disorderly, untidy, or dirty c. US, Informal a person in either of these states 7. Informal a messy or disorderly place or condition the house is a mess! verb transitive9. to make a mess of; specif., to make dirty, soiled, or untidy; also, to bungle; muddle; botch often with up verb intransitive10. to eat as one of a mess (sense 4) mess (sense 4a) 13. to meddle (in or with) Word origin ME messe < OFr mes < L missus, a course (at a meal), orig. pp. of mittere, to send, put: see mission Examples of 'mess' in a sentencemess My life is a mess at the moment.The whole debacle has been a complete and utter mess.We were messing about but somehow we ended up doing it.We half expected him to be messing around to be honest with you.You can just mess your hair up yourself.He would be admired more if he came clean and apologised for the terrible mess he has plunged us into.Or did he want to leave a big mess at No10 for his successor to clean up?Many of the rescuers themselves became stuck and needed rescuing, and the search for survivors went on for four days in the dreadful mess.He would also, as time went on, leave the house an utter mess.For my part, I find many guests seem to like to make a mess.We would soon be out of this financial mess.We realise what a chaotic mess we have made of the planet.There was no noise and no one there to mess the house up.My only grievance with the experience is that the helmet messes my hair up.The whole thing is a complete mess.The area was in a dreadful mess.Sometimes they make a mess of it.My life and ministry were a tangled mess.There are still parts of the economy in a mess.This has totally messed up her life.Forget messing around with smartphone apps and cloud storage and instead just play on seamlessly.The resulting mess does not look good.Workers took six hours to clear the mess.They took my childhood and left me in a terrible mess.They usually leave a great mess behind.Eton mess or sticky toffee pudding?Then there's the mess and muddle that the name issue causes.Underneath all the mess, the place looked like it was a perfectly good flat. British English: mess / mɛs/ NOUN If something is a mess or in a mess, it is dirty or untidy. I'll clear up the mess later. - American English: mess
- Arabic: فَوْضَى
- Brazilian Portuguese: bagunça
- Chinese: 混乱
- Croatian: nered
- Czech: nepořádek
- Danish: rod
- Dutch: rotzooi
- European Spanish: desorden
- Finnish: sotku
- French: désordre
- German: Durcheinander
- Greek: μπέρδεμα
- Italian: disordine
- Japanese: 散乱
- Korean: 엉망인 상태
- Norwegian: rot
- Polish: bałagan
- European Portuguese: trapalhada
- Romanian: dezordine
- Russian: беспорядок
- Latin American Spanish: desorden
- Swedish: röra stök
- Thai: สภาพรกรุงรัง
- Turkish: dağınıklık
- Ukrainian: безлад
- Vietnamese: bừa bãi
Definition of 'mess'Chinese translation of 'mess' n - (s/u) (= untidiness)
凌(淩)乱(亂) (língluàn) - (s/u) (= chaotic situation)
混乱(亂)的局面 (hùnluàn de júmiàn) - (s/u) (= filth)
脏(臟)东(東)西 (zāng dōngxi) - (c) (Mil)
食堂 (shítáng) (个(個), gè) what a mess! (house, room) 真是又脏(臟)又乱(亂)! (Zhēn shì yòu zāng yòu luàn!) (situation) 真是乱(亂)七八糟! (Zhēn shì luànqībāzāo!) to be a mess [room, house] 又脏(臟)又乱(亂) (yòu zāng yòu luàn) [life, situation] 一团(團)糟 (yītuánzāo) to be in a mess [hair, room] 乱(亂)七八糟地 (luànqībāzāo de) [organization, country] 陷入困境 (xiànrù kùnjìng) to get o.s. in a mess 使自己陷入困境 (shǐ zìjǐ xiànrù kùnjìng)
All related terms of 'mess'Definition a state of untidiness or confusion, esp. a dirty or unpleasant one Linda can't stand mess. Synonyms untidiness grot (slang) dirtiness Definition a confused and difficult situation I've made such a mess of my life. Synonyms hash cock-up (British, slang) state balls-up (taboo, slang) fuck-up (offensive, taboo, slang) bodge (informal) pig's breakfast (informal) omnishambles (British, informal) Definition a confused and difficult situation I've got myself into a bit of a mess. Synonyms hot water (informal) stew (informal) deep water tight spot imbroglio fine kettle of fish (informal) Phrasal verbsSee mess about or aroundSee mess something up See mess with something or someone Additional synonymsDefinition a badly done piece of work or repair I rather made a botch of that whole thing. Synonyms mess, failure, blunder, miscarriage, bungle, bungling, fumble, hash, cock-up (British, slang), balls-up (taboo, slang), fuck-up (offensive, taboo, slang), pig's ear (informal), pig's breakfast (informal) Definition complete disorder or confusion The country appears to be sliding towards chaos. Synonyms disorder, confusion, mayhem, havoc (informal), anarchy, lawlessness, pandemonium, entropy, bedlam, tumult, disorganizationDefinition a state of untidiness She preferred her work area to be free of clutter. Synonyms untidiness, mess, disorder, confusion, litter, muddle, disarray, jumble, hotchpotch Additional synonymsDefinition disorder The rebel leader seems to have escaped in the confusion. Synonyms disorder, chaos, turmoil, upheaval, muddle, bustle, shambles, disarray, commotion, disorganization, disarrangement Definition a situation offering a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives The issue raises a moral dilemma. Synonyms predicament, problem, difficulty, spot (informal), fix (informal), mess, puzzle, jam (informal), embarrassment, plight, strait, pickle (informal), how-do-you-do (informal), quandary, perplexity, tight corner or spot Definition extreme untidiness He found the room in disarray. Synonyms untidiness, state, mess, chaos, tangle, mix-up, muddle, clutter, shambles, jumble, hotchpotch, hodgepodge, dishevelment, pig's breakfast (informal) Definition a state of untidiness and disorganization The emergency room was in disorder. Synonyms untidiness, mess, confusion, chaos, havoc (informal), muddle, state, clutter, shambles, disarray, jumble, irregularity, disorganization, hotchpotch, derangement, hodgepodge, pig's breakfast (informal), disorderliness The army is suffering from low morale and disorganization. Synonyms disorder, confusion, chaos, disruption, disarrayDefinition a difficult situation The government has got itself in a fix. Synonyms mess, spot (informal), corner, hole (slang), difficulty, jam (informal), dilemma, embarrassment, plight, hot water (informal), pickle (informal), uphill (South Africa), predicament, difficult situation, quandary, tight spot, ticklish situation He admitted that the government was in `a dreadful hole'. Synonyms predicament, spot (informal), fix (informal), mess, jam (informal), dilemma, scrape (informal), tangle, hot water (informal), quandary, tight spot, imbroglioDefinition a difficult situation It could get the government out of a jam. Synonyms predicament, tight spot, scrape (informal), corner, state, situation, trouble, spot (informal), hole (slang), fix (informal), bind, emergency, mess, dilemma, pinch, plight, strait, hot water, pickle (informal), deep water, quandaryDefinition articles donated for a jumble sale a meaningless jumble of words Synonyms muddle, mixture, mess, disorder, confusion, chaos, litter, clutter, disarray, medley, mélange, miscellany, mishmash, farrago, hotchpotch, hodgepodge, gallimaufry, pig's breakfast (informal), disarrangement Definition a disordered or untidy collection of objects He pushed aside the litter of books. Synonyms jumble, mess, disorder, confusion, scatter, tangle, muddle, clutter, disarray, untidiness Additional synonymsDefinition a confused condition or situation a mix-up over travel arrangements Synonyms confusion, mistake, misunderstanding, mess, tangle, muddle, jumble, fankle (Scottish) Definition a state of mental confusion or uncertainty My thoughts are all in a muddle. Synonyms confusion, mess, disorder, chaos, plight, tangle, mix-up, clutter, disarray, daze, predicament, jumble, ravel, perplexity, disorganization, hotchpotch, hodgepodge, pig's breakfast (informal), fankle (Scottish) My chief perplexity was how to interpret the words. Synonyms difficulty, dilemma, snarl, fix (informal), uphill (South Africa), how-do-you-do (informal), can of worms (informal), knotty problem Definition an awkward or difficult situation Connie had got herself into a real pickle this time. Synonyms predicament, spot (informal), fix (informal), difficulty, bind (informal), jam (informal), dilemma, scrape (informal), hot water (informal), uphill (South Africa), quandary, tight spot Definition a dangerous or difficult situation the plight of Third World countries plagued by debts Synonyms difficulty, condition, state, situation, trouble, circumstances, dilemma, straits, predicament, extremity, perplexityDefinition an embarrassing or difficult situation The decision will leave her in a predicament. Synonyms fix (informal), state, situation, spot (informal), corner, hole (slang), emergency, mess, jam (informal), dilemma, pinch, plight, scrape (informal), hot water (informal), pickle (informal), how-do-you-do (informal), quandary, tight spot Definition an awkward situation In a tight spot there is no one I would sooner see than Frank. Synonyms predicament, trouble, difficulty, mess, plight, hot water (informal), quandary, tight spot Definition disorder, agitation, or confusion a year of political turmoil Synonyms confusion, trouble, violence, row, noise, stir, disorder, chaos, disturbance, upheaval, bustle, flurry, strife, disarray, uproar, turbulence, ferment, agitation, commotion, pandemonium, bedlam, tumult, hubbub, brouhaha Definition a difficulty This job has been a real uphill. Synonyms difficulty, problem, trouble, dilemma, headache (informal), hassle (informal), can of worms (informal) |