Thecommunity is all the people who live in a particular area or place.
He's well liked by people in the community.
The community has set up a campaign to save the park.
The growth of such vigilante gangs has worried community leaders, police and politicians.
Synonyms: society, people, public, association More Synonyms of community
2. countable noun [with singular or plural verb]
A particular community is a group of people who are similar in some way.
The police haven't really done anything for the black community in particular.
...the business community.
3. uncountable noun
Community is friendship between different people or groups, and a sense of having something in common.
The retirement home provides a sense of community.
Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community.
More Synonyms of community
community in British English
nounWord forms: plural-ties
the people living in one locality
the locality in which they live
(as modifier)
community spirit
a group of people having cultural, religious, ethnic, or other characteristics in common
the Protestant community
a group of nations having certain interests in common
the public in general; society
common ownership or participation
similarity or agreement
community of interests
(in Wales since 1974 and Scotland since 1975) the smallest unit of local government; a subdivision of a district
8. ecology
a group of interdependent plants and animals inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other through food and other relationships
Word origin
C14: from Latin commūnitās, from commūniscommon
community in American English
nounWord forms: pluralcomˈmunities
all the people living in a particular district, city, etc.
the district, city, etc. where they live
a group of people forming a smaller social unit within a larger one, and sharing common interests, work, identity, location, etc.
a college community, the labor community
a group of nations loosely or closely associated because of common traditions or for political or economic advantage
society in general; the public
ownership or participation in common
community of goods
similarity; likeness
community of tastes
the condition of living with others
friendly association; fellowship
8. Ecology
Word origin
ME & OFr communite < L communitas, community, fellowship < communis, common
Examples of 'community' in a sentence
Some in the Swiss climbing community had considered Monica Schneider reckless.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
She thought their methods would ultimately fail, that in fact they actually alienated the community whose support they needed.
Stuart Harrison LOST SUMMER (2002)
It is impossible not to know other members of the Anglo-Egyptian community in Cairo.
Elizabeth Peters LORD OF THE SILENT (2002)
In other languages
British English: community /kəˈmjuːnɪtɪ/ NOUN
The community is all the people who live in a particular area or place.
He's well liked by people in the community.
American English: community
Arabic: مُجْتَمَع
Brazilian Portuguese: comunidade
Chinese: 社区
Croatian: zajednica
Czech: komunita
Danish: lokalsamfund
Dutch: gemeenschap
European Spanish: comunidad
Finnish: yhteisö
French: communauté
German: Gemeinschaft
Greek: κοινότητα
Italian: comunità
Japanese: 地域社会
Korean: 공동체
Norwegian: samfunn
Polish: społeczność
European Portuguese: comunidade
Romanian: comunitate
Russian: общество
Latin American Spanish: comunidad
Swedish: samhälle
Thai: ชุมชน
Turkish: topluluk
Ukrainian: громада
Vietnamese: cộng đồng
All related terms of 'community'
community card
(in certain card games) a card that every player can use to form a hand in combination with the cards that he or she alone has been dealt
community care
help available to persons living in their own homes , rather than services provided in residential institutions
community chest
a fund raised by voluntary contribution for local welfare activities
community home
a home provided by a local authority for children who cannot remain with parents or relatives , or be placed with foster parents
community life
the life and activities of a community
faith community
a community of people sharing the same religious faith
gated community
A gated community is an area of houses and sometimes shops that is surrounded by a wall or fence and has an entrance that is guarded.
closed community
a plant community that does not allow for further colonization, all the available niches being occupied
community action
campaigns undertaken by the people living in a particular place
community center
a meeting place, often a complex of buildings, where the people of a community may carry on cultural , recreational , or social activities
community centre
A community centre is a place that is specially provided for the people, groups, and organizations in a particular area, where they can go in order to meet one another and do things.
community charge
(formerly in Britain ) a flat-rate charge paid by each adult in a community to his or her local authority in place of rates
community church
an independent or denominational church in a particular community
community college
A community college is a local college where students from the surrounding area can take courses in practical or academic subjects .
community council
(in Scotland and Wales ) an independent voluntary local body set up to attend to local interests and organize community activities
community hospital
(in the US) a local hospital
community language
a language spoken by members of a minority group or community within a majority language context
community leader
a leading figure in a community
community medicine
medical services for a particular area
community policing
Community policing is a system in which police officers work only in one particular area of the community, so that everyone knows them.
community property
the joint ownership of the property of a husband and wife
community school
a school offering some nonacademic activities related to life in a particular community and often serving as a community centre
community service
Community service is unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison .
community singing
singing , esp of hymns , by a large gathering of people
community spirit
willingness and desire to participate in activities that promote a community
community worker
someone who works for the benefit of a community , esp for a social service agency
European Community
an economic and political association of European States that came into being in 1967, when the legislative and executive bodies of the European Economic Community merged with those of the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community: subsumed into the European Union in 1993
farming community
a community where farming is the main industry
French Community
an international association consisting of France and a number of former French colonies : founded in 1958 as a successor to the French Union
global community
the people or nations of the world, considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically , socially, and politically interdependent
rating community
an online community based around a website that allows members to rate each other's photographs , qualifications , etc, as well as those of applicants , and which only those approved by existing members are allowed to join
speech community
a community consisting of all the speakers of a particular language or dialect
student community
→ the student community
village community
an early form of community organization in which land belonged to the village , the arable land being allotted to the members or households of the community by more or less permanent arrangements and the waste or excess land remaining undivided
community association
(in Britain) an organization of people and groups working for the common good of a neighbourhood , usually operating under a written constitution registered with the Charity Commissioners
community education
the provision of a wide range of educational and special interest courses and activities by a local authority
community policeman
a police officer assigned to a particular area
Community Programme
(in Britain ) a former government scheme to provide temporary work for people unemployed for over a year
community relations
the particular state of affairs in an area where potentially conflicting ethnic , religious, cultural , political, or linguistic groups live together
retirement community
a specially designed place where retired people live
therapeutic community
a group-based form of therapy for people with mental health problems , sometimes residential
Valencian Community
region comprising three provinces of E Spain : 8,998 sq mi (23,305 sq km); pop. 4,029,000; cap . Valencia
the student community
the body of students in further and higher education , considered as a whole
community care programme
help available to persons living in their own homes, rather than services provided in residential institutions
community health centre
a medical centre that serves a particular area
community-service order
(in Britain) a court order requiring an offender over seventeen years old to do unpaid socially beneficial work under supervision instead of going to prison
East African Community
an association established in 1967 by Kenya , Uganda , and Tanzania to promote closer economic and social ties between member states: dissolved in 1977, but reformed in 1999, and joined in 2007 by Burundi and Rwanda ; South Sudan became a member in 2016
community antenna television
a television service in which programmes are distributed to subscribers' televisions by cable rather than by broadcast transmission
community correctional center
(in the US) a detention centre
community support officer
a uniformed officer who is not a member of the police force but who has certain powers to be exercised in supplementing the role of the police, esp crowd control , tackling anti-social behaviour , etc
Chinese translation of 'community'
(= neighbourhood) 社区(區) (shèqū) (个(個), gè)
the business/black/Jewish community商业(業)界/黑人/犹(猶)太人 (shāngyèjiè/hēirén/yóutàirén) (个(個), gè)
a sense of community社区(區)感 (shèqūgǎn)
All related terms of 'community'
community centre
社区(區)活动(動)中心 shèqū huódòng zhōngxīn
community spirit
社区(區)精神 shèqū jīngshén
community service
社区(區)服务(務) shèqū fúwù
European Community
▶ the European Community 欧(歐)洲共同市场(場) Ōuzhōu Gòngtóng Shìchǎng