Common salt is made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
sodium chloride in British English
common table salt; a soluble colourless crystalline compound occurring naturally as halite and in sea water: widely used as a seasoning and preservative for food and in the manufacture of chemicals, glass, and soap. Formula: NaCl
Also called: salt
Examples of 'common salt' in a sentence
common salt
Five sodium levels, from common salt and sodium bicarbonate, were used.
Alice Eiko Murakami, Denise Fontana Figueiredo, Adriana Zeponi Peruzzi, José RodrigoGalli Franco, Márcia Izumi Sakamoto 2003, 'Níveis de sódio para poedeiras comerciais no primeiro e segundo ciclos de produçãoSodium levels for commercial laying hens in the first and second production cycles',Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Copper sulfate, common salt and the elevation of temperature reduced the number of parasites in "jundiá".
Paulo César Falanghe Carneiro, Marianne Schorer, Jorge Daniel Mikos 2005, 'Tratamentos terapêuticos convencionais no controle do ectoparasita Ichthyophtiriusmultifiliis em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) Conventional therapeutic treatments on thecontrol of the parasite Ichthyophtirius multifiliis in Rhamdia quelen', Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Upon concentrating the solutions, cubic crystals will be obtained, having a taste similar to common salt.
S. D. Humphrey American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype (1858). Retrieved in 2019 from Project Gutenberg (
The treatments were control (without additive), corn meal, common salt, urea, acetic acid, formic acid, microbial inoculant and dried molasses.
Elson Martins Coelho, Maria da Graça Morais, Camila Celeste Brandão Ferreira Ítavo,Luís Carlos Vinhas Ítavo, Alexandre Menezes Dias 2010, 'Chemical composition and fermentative parameters of elephant grass and sugar-canesilage treated with additives Composição química e parâmetros fermentativos de silagensde capim-elefante e cana-de-açúcar tratadas com aditivos', Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (