

单词 anyone

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any person
I won't tell anyone I saw you here.
a soul
any person
NE1 (textmessaging)

Synonyms of 'anyone'


Explore 'anyone' in the dictionary

Examples of 'anyone' in a sentence

To me it seems undeniable that anyone who uses a phone at the wheel is a criminal.Why should anyone worry about gardening on lime?We are no more exposed to currency fluctuations than anyone else in the sector.Now anyone can access millions of sources of information at the touch of a button.Why would anyone want that to end?We think he caught a train without telling anyone his plans.It was on a very quiet street and we thought there was no chance anyone would see us.At school it became a party trick - he could talk to anyone.I find it incredible that anyone uses it seriously, let alone about themselves.She tries not to read about herself and avoids all social media, but gets as upset as anyone else when people say unkind things.This is crazy and no use to anyone.The moon sets up meetings with people unlike anyone you know.One of the things my dad taught me was not to worry about what anyone thinks.He was the last person anyone would have expected to stray.But anyone could see she looked pretty as a picture.Not a lot of this offers present help to anyone now wishing to be a success.What would your advice be to anyone wanting a career in law?You can talk to anyone and really get your message across.You can still look anyone straight in the eye about the quality of the recommendations below.They are online for anyone to use without charge.Some people seem to like anyone but people who are like themselves.It was just too dangerous to tell anyone about.You did not give a care to anyone else on the road.He was a much nicer person than anyone would have predicted possible from the series.Could the editor not find anyone to present an otherwise good prog?What advice would she give anyone wanting to get into fashion?Can anyone tell me on which day we get the answers?We know we can beat anyone on our day so why should we fear anyone?So anyone who used the gym more than twice a month would be better off with membership.Not just for disabled people but for anyone with a dream.That has not stopped the pictures becoming instantly available on the internet for anyone to see free of charge.

In other languages

British English: anyone /ˈɛnɪˌwʌn; -wən/ PRONOUN
You use anyone to talk about a person, when it does not matter who.
Don't tell anyone.
  • American English: anyone
  • Arabic: أَيُّ شَخْص
  • Brazilian Portuguese: ninguém
  • Chinese: 任何一个
  • Croatian: itko
  • Czech: někdo
  • Danish: nogen
  • Dutch: iemand
  • European Spanish: alguien
  • Finnish: kukaan
  • French: quiconque
  • German: irgendjemand
  • Greek: κανένας
  • Italian: nessuno
  • Japanese: 誰でも
  • Korean: 아무도
  • Norwegian: noen
  • Polish: ktokolwiek
  • European Portuguese: qualquer pessoa
  • Romanian: nimeni
  • Russian: кто-нибудь
  • Latin American Spanish: cualquiera
  • Swedish: någon
  • Thai: ใครสักคน
  • Turkish: herhangi biri
  • Ukrainian: хто-небудь
  • Vietnamese: bất cứ ai

Chinese translation of 'anyone'




  1. (in negatives, "if" clauses) 任何人 (rènhé rén)
  2. (in questions) 任何一个(個)人 (rènhé yī gè rén)
  3. (= no matter who) 不论(論)什么(麼)人 (bùlùn shénme rén)
    I can't see anyone 我见(見)不到任何人 (wǒ jiàn bù dào rènhé rén)
    did anyone see you? 有人看到你吗(嗎)? (yǒurén kàndào nǐ ma?)
    did you speak to anyone? 你对(對)任何人说(說)起过(過)吗(嗎)? (nǐ duì rènhé rén shuō qǐ guo ma?)
    does anyone want a cake? 有人想要块(塊)蛋糕吗(嗎)? (yǒu rén xiǎng yào kuài dàngāo ma?)
    if anyone should phone ... 如果有人打电(電)话(話) ... (rúguǒ yǒu rén dǎ diànhuà ... )
    anyone could do it 任何人都能做到 (rènhé rén dōunéng zuòdào)
    anyone who is anyone 重要人物 (zhòngyào rénwù)

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