a plant tissue responsible for growth, whose cells divide and differentiate to form the tissues and organs of the plant. Meristems occur within the stem (see cambium) and leaves and at the tips of stems and roots
Derived forms
meristematic (ˌmɛrɪstɪˈmætɪk)
Word origin
C19: from Greek meristos divided, from merizein to divide, from meris portion
meristem in American English
undifferentiated plant tissue, as the growing tips of roots and stems, the cambium, etc., consisting of actively growing and dividingcells that give rise to various permanent tissues
Derived forms
meristematic (ˌmeristeˈmatic) (ˈmɛrəstəˈmætɪk)
meristematically (ˌmeristeˈmatically)
Word origin
< Gr meristos, divided < merizein, to divide < meros, a part (see merit) + -ēm(a), n. suffix