

单词 come out

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come out

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Chinese translation of 'come out'

come out


  1. [person] (out of house, for evening etc) 出去 (chūqù)
  2. (= appear) [sun] 出现(現) (chūxiàn)
  3. (= become known) 为(為)人所知 (wéi rén suǒ zhī)
    1. (= become available) [book] 出版 (chūbǎn)
    2. [film] 上映 (shàngyìng)
  4. (= be printable) [photograph] 冲(沖)洗得出 (chōngxǐ de chū)
  5. (as homosexual) 公开(開)承认(認)是同性恋(戀) (gōngkāi chéngrèn shì tóngxìngliàn)
  6. (fig, = emerge) 显(顯)得 (xiǎn de)
  7. (= be erased) [stain] 除去 (chúqù)
  8. [workers]
    to come out (on strike) 罢(罷)工 (bàgōng)
  9. (= declare o.s.)
    to come out against/in favour of sth 宣布反对(對)/支持某事 (xuānbù fǎnduì/zhīchí mǒushì)
See come

Examples of 'come out' in a sentence
come out

He was calling for Marcella, saying he was sorry, telling her it was OK for her to come out now.If things went wrong then Adam thought he would come out on top.He would come out of it, they knew, he was glad to have someone to tell his secrets to.It's not like she can make fire come out of her eyes or puke acid.

In other languages
come out

British English: come out /kʌm aʊt/ VERB
When a new product comes out, it becomes available to the public.
The actor has a new movie coming out.
  • American English: come out
  • Arabic: يَطْلُعُ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: sair
  • Chinese: 出来
  • Croatian: izaći
  • Czech: vyjít knihy apod.
  • Danish: komme ud
  • Dutch: uitkomen
  • European Spanish: salir
  • Finnish: ilmestyä
  • French: sortir
  • German: herauskommen
  • Greek: κάνω ντεμπούτο
  • Italian: uscire
  • Japanese: 公になる
  • Korean: 나오다
  • Norwegian: komme ut
  • Polish: wyjść
  • European Portuguese: sair
  • Romanian: a ieși pe piață
  • Russian: выходить
  • Latin American Spanish: salir
  • Swedish: komma ut
  • Thai: เปิดตัว, เปิดเผยต่อสาธารณะ
  • Turkish: çıkmak
  • Ukrainian: виходити
  • Vietnamese: xuất hiện

All related terms of 'come out'

All related terms of 'come out'

(phrasal verb) 
to be published or put on sale
The book comes out this week.
be published
a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse
be released
be issued
be launched
(phrasal verb) 
to be made public or revealed
The truth is beginning to come out now.
be revealed
Several interesting facts emerged from his story.
be reported
be announced
become apparent
come to light
Nothing about this sum has come to light.
be divulged
(phrasal verb) 
to end up or turn out
I'm sure it will come out all right in the end.
turn out
Things don't always turn out the way we expect.
Many hair problems result from what you eat.
end up
We could end up as millionaires.
work out
Things didn't work out as planned.
pan out (informal)
None of his ideas panned out.
See come

Additional synonyms

in the sense of appear
to be published or become available
a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse
come into being,
come out,
be published,
be developed,
be created,
be invented,
become available,
come into existence
in the sense of come to light
to become known or visible
Nothing about this sum has come to light.
be revealed,
come out,
turn up,
be discovered,
become known,
become apparent,
be disclosed,
in the sense of emerge
to become apparent, esp. as the result of a discussion or investigation
Several interesting facts emerged from his story.
become apparent,
come out,
turn up,
become known,
come to light,
crop up,
become evident,
come out in the wash

Nearby words of
come out

  • come off
  • come on
  • come or get to grips with something
  • come out
  • come out with something
  • come round or around
  • come through

Related terms of
come out

  • come out with something

Synonyms of 'come out'

come out

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