Adam's sin of disobedience and the state of innate sinfulness ensuing from this for himself and all humankind
See also original sin
See full dictionary entry for Fall
Examples of 'the Fall' in a sentence
the Fall
The patronage of Peel and the music press is a tried and tested route to success used by all the best bands like Joy Division and the Fall.
David Cavanagh MUSIC FOR BOYS (2003)
The breastplate was worn at the Fall of Constantinople, which impresses Ariadne deeply.
All related terms of 'the Fall'
take the fall
to be blamed , punished , or imprisoned
fall off the perch
to die
fall to the ground
(of a plan , theory, etc) to be rendered invalid , esp because of lack of necessary information
the Fall (of Man)
Adam's sin of yielding to temptation in eating the forbidden fruit, and his subsequent loss of grace
the fall of the cards
the chance distribution of cards in a given deal
fall by the wayside
to fail in something you were doing and give up trying to achieve success in it
fall between the cracks
to fail to fit into a given agenda or program
fall through the cracks
to not be helped by a system which is supposed to help you. The British expression is slip through the net .
fall through the floor
to suddenly decrease to a very low level
to fall by the wayside
If a person or plan falls by the wayside , they fail or stop before they complete what they set out to do.
to fall into the trap
If someone falls into the trap of doing something, they think or behave in a way which is not wise or sensible .
slip/fall through the net
You use slip through the net or fall through the net to describe a situation where people are not properly cared for by the system that is intended to help them.
fall into the trap of doing something
to make a very common mistake , or one that is very easy to make
let the chips fall where they may
let the consequences be what they may
fall into someone's hands
to be taken or caught by an opponent or enemy
come apart at the seams/fall apart at the seams
If something is coming apart at the seams or is falling apart at the seams , it is no longer working properly and may soon stop working completely.