nounWord forms: plural-nisci (-ˈnɪsaɪ) or -niscuses
the curved upper surface of a liquid standing in a tube, produced by the surface tension
a crescent or half-moon-shaped body or design
a crescent-shaped fibrous cartilage between the bones at certain joints, esp at the knee
a crescent-shaped lens; a concavo-convex or convexo-concave lens
Derived forms
meniscoid (meˈniscoid)
Word origin
C17: from New Latin, from Greek mēniskos crescent, diminutive of mēnē moon
Examples of 'menisci' in a sentence
All menisci were measured with vernier caliper at seven points of their geometric structure.
Diana Marcela Perez Berrio, Valery Jose Lancheros Suárez, Mastoby Miguel MartínezMartínez 2014, 'Geometric Evaluation of Fresh Menisci and Menisci Preserved in 98% Glycerin: Studyin Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)', Revista de Medicina Veterinaria Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Biomechanical properties of human menisci are site- and depth- specific.
Iris Ribitsch, Christian Peham, Nicole Ade, Julia Dürr, Stephan Handschuh, JohannesPeter Schramel, Claus Vogl, Heike Walles, Monika Egerbacher, Florien Jenner 2018, 'Structure-Function relationships of equine menisci.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Menisci were evaluated for presence of tear.
Rina Patel, Matthew Eltgroth, Richard B. Souza, Chiyuan A. Zhang, Sharmila Majumdar,Thomas M. Link, Daria Motamedi 2016, 'Loaded versus unloaded magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee: Effect on meniscusextrusion in healthy volunteers and patients with osteoarthritis', European Journal of Radiology Open Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Menisci were harvested at 6 and 12 weeks after initial surgery.
Matthias Koch, Felix P. Achatz, Siegmund Lang, Christian G. Pfeifer, Girish Pattappa,Richard Kujat, Michael Nerlich, Peter Angele, Johannes Zellner 2018, 'Tissue Engineering of Large Full-Size Meniscus Defects by a Polyurethane Scaffold:Accelerated Regeneration by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells', Stem Cells International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The knee model consisted of distal femur, femoral cartilage, menisci, tibial cartilage, and proximal tibia.
Y. Dabiri, L. P. Li 2013, 'Altered Knee Joint Mechanics in Simple Compression Associated with Early CartilageDegeneration', Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Traction tests were carried out on the menisci after 6 weeks of preservation.
Shukur Ahmad, Vivek Ajit Singh, Shamsul Iskandar Hussein 2017, 'Cryopreservation versus fresh frozen meniscal allograft: A biomechanical comparativeanalysis', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The menisci obtained were preserved via cryopreservation and deep-freezing process.
Shukur Ahmad, Vivek Ajit Singh, Shamsul Iskandar Hussein 2017, 'Cryopreservation versus fresh frozen meniscal allograft: A biomechanical comparativeanalysis', Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These changes reflect the progressive menisci maturation and hyper-specialisation.
Umberto Polito, Elena Dell'Era, Irene Tessaro, Giuseppe Maria Peretti, Alessia DiGiancamillo 2017, 'Meniscus matrix morphological composition: age-dependent evaluation in a swine model',International Journal of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
After the first examination, distraction was applied in order to complete the assessment of menisci.
Gian Luca Rovesti, Veronica Devesa, Laura Bertorelli, Jesus Rodriguez-Quiros 2018, 'Facilitation of arthroscopic visualization and treatment of meniscal tears using astifle joint distractor in the dog', BMC Veterinary Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (