a city in central Ohio: the state capital. Pop: 728 432 (2003 est)
a city in W Georgia, on the Chattahoochee River. Pop: 185 702 (2003 est)
Columbus in British English2
Christopher. Spanish name Cristóbal Colón, Italian name Cristoforo Colombo. 1451–1506, Italian navigator and explorer in the service of Spain, who discovered the New World (1492)
Columbus in American English1
Christopher(It. name Cristoforo Colombo; Sp. name Cristóbal Colón) 1451?-1506; It. explorer in the service of Spain: discovered America (1492)
Columbus in American English2
capital of Ohio, in the central part: pop. 711,000
city in W Ga., on the Chattahoochee River: pop. 186,000