1. Also called: colloidal solution, colloidal suspension
a mixture having particles of one component, with diameters between 10–7 and 10–9 metres, suspended in a continuous phase of another component. The mixture has properties between those of a solution and a fine suspension
the solid suspended phase in such a mixture
3. obsolete
a substance that in solution does not penetrate a semipermeable membrane
Compare crystalloid (sense 2)
4. physiology
a gelatinous substance of the thyroid follicles that holds the hormonal secretions of the thyroid gland
5. pathology
of or relating to the gluelike translucent material found in certain degenerating tissues
of, denoting, or having the character of a colloid
Word origin
C19: from Greek kolla glue + -oid
colloid in American English
a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance made up of very small, insoluble particles (as single large molecules or masses of smaller molecules) that remain in suspension in a surrounding solid, liquid, or gaseous medium of different matter
a state of matter consisting of such a substance dispersed in a surrounding medium: all living matter contains colloidal material, and a colloid has only a negligible effect on the freezing point, boiling point, or vapor pressure of the surrounding medium
the iodine-containing, gelatinous protein stored in the thyroid
Word origin
< Gr kolla, glue + -oid; coined by T. Graham (1805-69), Scot chemist
colloid in Chemical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) colloids
(Chemical Engineering: General)
A colloid is a liquid or solid which is very finely dispersed in another liquid, solid, or gas.
These guidelines classify particles larger than 74 microns as sand, particles 74to 2 microns as silt, and particles smaller than 2 microns as colloids.
Particles of microscopic dimensions in liquids are known as colloids.
A colloid is a liquid or solid which is very finely dispersed in another liquid, solid, orgas.
colloid in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Word forms: (regular plural) colloids
(Pharmaceutical: Administration)
A colloid is a mixture with particles of one component suspended in another component. Themixture is between a solution and a fine suspension.
In a colloid, the size of the particles is between that of a solution and a suspension.
A solution does not reflect light, but light passing through a colloid is reflected by the larger particles in it.
A colloid is a mixture with particles of one component suspended in another component. Themixture is between a solution and a fine suspension.