Significant variations in megafaunal composition, density and distribution were found between considered areas.
E. Rybakova (Goroslavskaya), S. Galkin, M. Bergmann, T. Soltwedel, A. Gebruk 2013, 'Density and distribution of megafauna at the Håkon Mosby mud volcano (the BarentsSea) based on image analysis', Biogeosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Of the 80 macrofaunal and 167 megafaunal taxa, 23% were uniques, present at only onestation.
Jessica Nephin, S. Kim Juniper, Philippe Archambault 2014, 'Diversity, Abundance and Community Structure of Benthic Macro- and Megafauna on theBeaufort Shelf and Slope', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0101556. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Megafaunal organisms play a key role in ecosystem functioning in the deep-sea through bioturbation, bioirrigation and organic matter cycling.
A. Pusceddu, M. R. Cunha, D. S. M. Billett, S. Bianchelli, T. Amaro, R. Danovaro 2010, 'The trophic biology of the holothurian Molpadia musculus: implications fororganic matter cycling and ecosystem functioning in a deep submarine canyon', Biogeosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These findings strongly support the hypothesis that complex interactions between climate and humans may have accelerated megafaunal extinctions.
Jörg Albrecht, Kamil A. Bartoń, Nuria Selva, Robert S. Sommer, Jon E. Swenson, RichardBischof 2017, 'Humans and climate change drove the Holocene decline of the brown bear', Scientific Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
They are considered to be extreme environments and are characterized by unique megafaunal and macrofaunal communities.
N. Lampadariou, V. Kalogeropoulou, K. Sevastou, K. Keklikoglou, J. Sarrazin 2013, 'Influence of chemosynthetic ecosystems on nematode community structure and biomassin the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea', Biogeosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Eighty-three megafaunal morphospecies from extensive chemosynthetic communities surrounding active methane seepage were observed at four sites.
Diva J. Amon, Judith Gobin, Cindy L. Van Dover, Lisa A. Levin, Leigh Marsh, NicoleA. Raineault 2017, 'Characterization of Methane-Seep Communities in a Deep-Sea Area Designated for Oiland Natural Gas Exploitation Off Trinidad and Tobago', Frontiers in Marine Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Beyond the visible disturbance there were similar megafaunal densities (0.14 individuals m(-2)) to pre-drillingand background surveys.
Andrew R Gates, Daniel O B Jones 2012, 'Recovery of benthic megafauna from anthropogenic disturbance at a hydrocarbon drillingwell (380 m depth in the Norwegian Sea).', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (