He made the sign of the Cross, joined his hands and raised his eyebrows again.
The Easter holidays descended amid palms and Stations of the Cross and Easter eggs.
Cassidy, Anne IN REAL LIFE
`Holy Mary," he muttered, making the sign of the Cross.
Stewart, Michael GRACE
All related terms of 'the Cross'
on the cross
cross the bar
to die
cross the line
to start behaving in an unacceptable way, for example by getting involved in something extreme or anti-social
the True Cross
the cross on which Christ was crucified , supposed relics of which were venerated by Christians in the middle ages
cross the Rubicon
to make an important decision which cannot be changed and which will have very important consequences
Way of the Cross
→ Stations of the Cross
John of the Cross
Saint . original name Juan de Yepis y Alvarez . 1542–91, Spanish Carmelite monk , poet, and mystic . He founded the Discalced Carmelites with Saint Teresa (1568). Feast day: Dec 14
sign of the cross
a gesture in which the right hand is moved from the forehead to the breast and from the left shoulder to the right to describe the form of a cross in order to invoke the grace of Christ
the Way of the Cross
a series of images in a church or along a road to a church etc depicting the last hours of Christ
Stations of the Cross
a series of 14 crosses, often accompanied by 14 pictures or carvings , arranged in order around the walls of a church, to commemorate 14 supposed stages in Christ's journey to Calvary
to cross the Rubicon
If you say that someone has crossed the Rubicon , you mean that they have reached a point where they cannot change a decision or course of action.
cross the Great Divide
to die
cross/step over the line
If you say that someone has crossed the line or has stepped over the line , you mean that they have behaved in a way that is considered unacceptable .
dot the i's and cross the t's
If you say that someone dots the i's and crosses the t's , you mean that they pay great attention to every small detail in a task ; often used to express your annoyance because such detailed work seems unnecessary and takes a very long time.