an honorific title of the Eastern Christian Church, applied to those of patriarchal rank
Word origin
C15: from Latin beātitūdō, from beātus blessed; see beatific
Beatitude in British English
New Testament
any of eight distinctive sayings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3–11) in which he declares that the poor, the meek, those that mourn, the merciful, the peacemakers, the pure of heart, those that thirst for justice, and those that are persecuted will, in various ways, receive the blessings of heaven
beatitude in American English
(biˈætəˌtud; biˈætəˌtjud)
perfect blessedness or happiness
the Beatitudes
Word origin
LME < MFr béatitude or ML(Ec) beatitudo, happiness, beatitude < LL(Ec) < L, happiness < beatus: see bonus