She had to be fitted with a mechanicalheart which pumps blood through a machine outside the body.
The Sun (2008)
A mechanicalheart kept a three-year-old girl alive long enough to have a transplant.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
During the daytime the mechanicalheart works off batteries but at night I just plug myself into the mains so I can have an uninterrupted night's sleep.
The Sun (2012)
Definition of 'heart'
(hɑːʳt)Explore 'heart' in the dictionary
countable noun
Your heart is the organ in your chest that pumps the blood around your body. People also use heart to refer to the area of their chest that is closest to their heart.
Definition of 'mechanical'
(mɪkænɪkəl)Explore 'mechanical' in the dictionary
adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A mechanical device has parts that move when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity.