These actions were analogous to those exerted by the reference antiulcer sucralfate.
Hany H. Arab, Samir A. Salama, Hany A. Omar, El-Shaimaa A. Arafa, Ibrahim A. Maghrabi 2015, 'Diosmin Protects against Ethanol-Induced Gastric Injury in Rats: Novel Anti-UlcerActions', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0122417. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Antiulcer activity was evaluated by measuring ulcer index and percentage of ulcer healing.
Khaja Zeeyauddin, Mohammed Ibrahim, Muna Abid, Mangamoori Lakshmi Narsu 2011, 'Evaluation of antiulcer activity of Boswellia serrata bark extracts using aspirininduced ulcer model in albino rats', Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The antiulcer activity was compared against ranitidine at 20mg/kg.
Okunrobo O. Lucky, Uwaya O. John, Imafidon E. Kate, Osarumwense O. Peter, OmorodionE. Jude 2012, 'Quantitative determination, Metal analysis and Antiulcer evaluation of Methanol seedsextract of Citrullus lanatus Thunb (Cucurbitaceae) in Rats', Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Both extracts showed dose-dependent increase in antiulcer activity (%) in both ulcer models.
Uzma Saleem, Ejaz ul Haq, Bashir Ahmad, Mohammad Saleem 2017, 'Anti-ulcer activity of Cestrum nocturnum leaf in ethanol- and indomethacin-inducedulcer models', Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The fractions were freeze-dried and evaluated for its antiinflammatory and antiulcer activity.
Nagesh S. Tour, Gokul S. Talele 2011, 'Gastric antiulcer and antiinflammatory activities of Calotropis procera stem bark',Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The current review focuses on the commonly used gastroprotective plants as antiulcer agents.
Wafa Majeed, Tanweer Khaliq, Bilal Aslam, Junaid Ali Khan, Asra Iftikhar 2015, 'Medicinal plants with gastroprotective potential', Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
There has been considerable pharmacological research into the antiulcer activity of these compounds.
In this narrative review, we have comprehensively reviewed the plant sources used as antiulcer agents.
Mehdi Sharifi-Rad, Patrick Valere Tsouh Fokou, Farukh Sharopov, Miquel Martorell,Adedayo Oluwaseun Ademiluyi, Jovana Rajkovic, Bahare Salehi, Natália Martins, MarcelloIriti, Javad Sharifi-Rad 2018, 'Antiulcer Agents: From Plant Extracts to Phytochemicals in Healing Promotion', Molecules Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The mechanism by which honey exerts its antiulcer potential was elucidated.
Saad B. Almasaudi, Nagla A. El-Shitany, Aymn T. Abbas, Umama A. Abdel-dayem, SoadS. Ali, Soad K. Al Jaouni, Steve Harakeh 2016, 'Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Antiulcer Potential of Manuka Honey against GastricUlcer in Rats', Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (