or Matto Grosso (ˈmætəʊ ˈɡrɒsəʊ, Portuguese ˈmatu ˈɡrosu)
a high plateau of SW Brazil: forms the watershed separating the Amazon and Plata river systems
a state of W central Brazil: mostly on the Mato Grosso Plateau, with the Amazon basin to the north; valuable mineral resources. Capital: Cuiabá. Pop: 2 604 742 (2002). Area: 881 001 sq km (340 083 sq miles)
Mato Grosso in American English
(ˈmɑtʊ ˈgrɔsʊ)
state of WC Brazil: 350,120 sq mi (906,807 sq km); pop. 2,027,000; cap. Cuiabá