a county of W Republic of Ireland, in Munster between Galway Bay and the Shannon estuary. County town: Ennis. Pop: 103 277 (2002). Area: 3188 sq km (1231 sq miles)
Clare in British English2
Anthony (Ward). 1942–2007, Irish psychiatrist and broadcaster; presenter of the radio series In the Psychiatrist's Chair from 1982
John. 1793–1864, English poet, noted for his descriptions of country life, particularly in The Shepherd's Calendar (1827) and The Rural Muse (1835). He was confined in an asylum from 1837
Clare in American English1
a masculine name
see also Clarence
a feminine name
see also Clara
Clare in American English2
John1793-1864; Eng. poet
Clare in American English3
county in W Ireland, in Munster province: 1,231 sq mi (3,188 sq km); pop. 91,000