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( raʊ ndəbaʊt )
Word forms: plural roundabouts 1. countable noun A roundabout is a circular structure in the road at a place where several roads meet. You drive round it until you come to the road that you want.
[ British] regional note: in AM, use traffic circle 2. countable noun A roundabout at a fair is a large, circular mechanical device with seats, often in the shape of animals or cars, on which children sit and go round and round.
[ British] regional note: in AM, use merry-go-round , carousel 3. countable noun A roundabout in a park or school play area is a circular platform that children sit or stand on. People push the platform to make it spin round.
[ British] regional note: in AM, use merry-go-round 4. adjective [ usually ADJECTIVE noun] If you go somewhere by a roundabout route, you do not go there by the shortest and quickest route.
The party took a roundabout route overland.
5. adjective [ usually ADJECTIVE noun] If you do or say something in a roundabout way, you do not do or say it in a simple, clear, and direct way.
We made a bit of a fuss in a roundabout way.
...using indirect or roundabout language in place of a precise noun.
6. round about
7. swings and roundabouts
More Synonyms of roundabout
roundabout in British English ( ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt )
noun 1. British a revolving circular platform provided with wooden animals, seats, etc, on which people ride for amusement; merry-go-round
2. a road junction in which traffic streams circulate around a central island
US and Canadian name : traffic circle 3. an informal name for boring mill
adjective 4. indirect or circuitous; devious
adverb , preposition round about 5. on all sides
spectators standing round about
6. approximately
at round about 5 o'clock
roundabout in American English ( ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt )
adjective 1. not straight or straightforward; indirect; circuitous
roundabout answers
2. encircling; enclosing; surrounding
noun 3. something that is indirect or circuitous
4. US a short, tight jacket or coat formerly worn by men and boys
© Ian Bracegirdle, Shutterstock
Examples of 'roundabout' in a sentence roundabout
You have to put this one down to the swings and roundabouts of life. He said the idea was to confuse drivers into thinking they were approaching a roundabout and thus slow them down. But it was also, in a roundabout way, his athletic gift. Traffic lights have been replaced by mini roundabouts at two sites. But you can regain control of the flat by a roundabout route. These are the typical swings and roundabouts of global mining. She also took a roundabout the wrong way. We built roads and roundabouts differently and improved street lighting. She reports that at our local playground our daughter has the swings and roundabouts all to herself. He actually came up with the name in a roundabout way. IT'S swings and roundabouts in the world of luggage this week. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. At the centre of a busy roundabout in the capital stands an office building made almost entirely of glass. The most recent involved a coach that tried to pass me entering a mini roundabout and nearly forced me into the barrier. More specifically, they are discussing how to approach the last roundabout. The internet is like the roads, roundabouts and traffic lights of our transport network. I come to a roundabout on a busy road. I stayed low until we approached the roundabout. Come to that, do we need to light roundabouts and motorways now that lights on cars are so much brighter? They were approaching a roundabout. I slowed down when approaching traffic lights and roundabouts and looked further ahead to avoid sudden or unnecessary braking or gear changes. The replacing of certain roundabouts by traffic lights has so backfired that a campaign is under way to bring them back after the Games. A view over the biggest roundabout in London isn't quite so romantic. Sir, When three cars arrive simultaneously at a mini roundabout their drivers are supposed to wait for the car on their right to move first. In other languages roundabout
British English :
roundabout /
ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt /
NOUN A roundabout is a circle at a place where several roads meet.
American English : traffic circle Arabic : دَائِرَة Brazilian Portuguese : rotatória Chinese : 交通转盘 Croatian : kružni tok Czech : kruhový objezd Danish : rundkørsel Dutch : rotonde European Spanish : rotonda Finnish : liikenneympyrä French : rond-point German : Kreisverkehr Greek : κυκλική διασταύρωση Italian : rotatoria Japanese : 環状交差路 Korean : 환상 교차로 Norwegian : rundkjøring Polish : rondo European Portuguese : rotunda Romanian : sens giratoriu Russian : кольцевая автотранспортная развязка Latin American Spanish : glorieta Swedish : rondell Thai : วงเวียนที่ต้องขับรถรอบ Turkish : döner kavşak Ukrainian : кільцева транспортна розв'язка Vietnamese : bùng binh British English :
roundabout ADJECTIVE not shortest If you go somewhere by a roundabout route, you do not go there by the shortest and quickest route.
He left today on a roundabout route for the country.
American English : roundabout Brazilian Portuguese : indireto Chinese : 绕远的 European Spanish : indirecto French : détourné German : mit Umwegen Italian : indiretto Japanese : 遠回りの Korean : > 우회하는 길이European Portuguese : indireto Latin American Spanish : indirecto British English :
roundabout ADJECTIVE ambiguous If you do or say something in a roundabout way, you do not do or say it in a simple, clear, and direct way.
We made a little fuss in a roundabout way.
American English : roundabout Brazilian Portuguese : indireto Chinese : 拐弯抹角的 European Spanish : indirecto French : détourné German : umständlich Italian : tortuoso Japanese : 遠回りの Korean : 우회적인 European Portuguese : indireto Latin American Spanish : indirecto Chinese translation of 'roundabout' n (c) (
Brit )
(Aut ) 环(環)形交叉路 (huánxíng jiāochālù) (个(個) , gè )美 = traffic circle
(at funfair ) 旋转(轉)木马(馬) (xuánzhuǎn mùmǎ) (个(個) , gè ) (in playground ) 旋转(轉)盘(盤) (xuánzhuǎnpán) adj [route] 绕(繞)道的 (ràodào de) [way, means] 拐弯(彎)抹角的 (guǎi wān mò jiǎo de)
not straightforward
a roundabout route
, straight
, straightforward
not straightforward
indirect or roundabout language
Additional synonyms Definition
indirect and lengthy
They were taken on a circuitous route home.
indirect ,
winding ,
rambling ,
roundabout ,
meandering ,
tortuous ,
labyrinthine ,
ambagious (archaic)
He has a pedantic and circuitous writing style.
oblique ,
indirect ,
ambagious (archaic)
(of a route or course of action) indirect
He followed a devious route.
indirect ,
roundabout ,
wandering ,
crooked ,
rambling ,
tortuous ,
deviating ,
circuitous ,
Additional synonyms Definition
passing from one topic to another
The book is characterized by a reflective, discursive style.
digressive ,
loose ,
rambling ,
roundabout ,
diffuse ,
meandering ,
desultory ,
long-winded ,
circuitous ,
prolix Definition
seeking to evade
He was evasive about the circumstances of their first meeting.
deceptive ,
misleading ,
indirect ,
cunning ,
slippery ,
tricky ,
shuffling ,
devious ,
oblique ,
shifty (informal) ,
cagey (informal) ,
deceitful ,
dissembling ,
prevaricating ,
equivocating ,
sophistical ,
casuistic ,
casuistical ,
elusive Definition
hinted at or suggested
She felt undermined by the implied criticism.
suggested ,
inherent ,
indirect ,
hinted at ,
implicit ,
unspoken ,
tacit ,
undeclared ,
insinuated ,
unstated ,
We crossed a meandering stream.
winding ,
wandering ,
snaking ,
tortuous ,
convoluted ,
serpentine ,
circuitous Synonyms
roundabout ,
wordy ,
circuitous ,
verbose ,
prolix ,
tautological ,
circumlocutory ,
pleonastic Definition
devious or cunning
long and tortuous negotiations
complicated ,
involved ,
misleading ,
tricky ,
indirect ,
ambiguous ,
roundabout ,
deceptive ,
devious ,
convoluted ,