the rotating member of a machine or device, esp the armature of a motor or generator or the rotating assembly of a turbine
Compare stator
a device having blades radiating from a central hub that is rotated to produce thrust to lift and propel a helicopter
the revolving arm of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine
a violent rolling wave of air occurring in the lee of a mountain or hill, in which the air rotates about a horizontal axis
Word origin
C20: shortened form of rotator
rotor in American English
any of various rotating mechanical parts
; specif.,
the rotating part of a motor, dynamo, etc.
see also stator
in the distributor of a gasoline engine, the part that momentarily connects each spark plug wire to the high voltage from the coil
in disc brakes, the part to which the wheel is usually mounted
a system of airfoils, together with their hub, that rotates around a vertical axis, as on a helicopter
Word origin
contr. of rotator
rotor in Electrical Engineering
Word forms: (regular plural) rotors
(Electrical engineering: Electrical power, Motor or generator)
A rotor is the rotating cylindrical part of a machine, placed inside the stator with a narrow air gap in between to allow for smooth rotation.
The rotor consists of a multi-pole electromagnet which induces output voltage in the statorof the generator when it is rotated by the engine.
It is possible to rotate the rotor with very high speeds of 20-30 thousand revolutions per minute, and this high rotationalspeed provides for a high output voltage.
A rotor is the rotating cylindrical part of a machine, placed inside the stator with a narrowair gap in between to allow for smooth rotation.
Examples of 'rotor' in a sentence
The downdraught from the rotor raised a miniature sandstorm.
Brierley, David SKORPION'S DEATH (1994)
In gusts like tonight's, he wanted double his rotor diameter area for a safe working zone.
Lunnon-Wood, Mike LET NOT THE DEEP (1994)
That controlled the angle of the whole rotor assembly, the `disc" giving the aircraft forward lift.
Lunnon-Wood, Mike LET NOT THE DEEP (1994)
Word lists with
parts of an aircraft, parts of an aircraft
In other languages
British English: rotor NOUN
The rotors or rotor blades of a helicopter are the four long, flat, thin pieces of metal on top of it which go round and lift it off the ground.
American English: rotor
Brazilian Portuguese: rotor
Chinese: 旋转翼
European Spanish: rotor
French: pale de rotor
German: Rotor
Italian: rotore
Japanese: ローター
Korean: 회전자
European Portuguese: rotor
Latin American Spanish: rotor
All related terms of 'rotor'
rotor arm
the revolving arm of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine
rotor blade
The rotors or rotor blades of a helicopter are the four long, flat , thin pieces of metal on top of it which go round and lift it off the ground.
rotor cloud
a cloud within and around which the air is rotating about a horizontal axis, occurring in the lee of a large mountain barrier
tail rotor
a small propeller fitted to the rear of a helicopter to counteract the torque reaction of the main rotor and thus prevent the body of the helicopter from rotating in an opposite direction
an aircraft with rotors that can be switched from spinning horizontally, usually during takeoffs and landings , to spinning vertically, as during regular flight
auxiliary rotor
the tail rotor of a helicopter , used for directional and rotary control
an aircraft that is propelled by rotating airfoils