any caliph of the dynasty that ruled the Muslim empire from Baghdad (750–1258) and claimed descent from Abbas, uncle of Mohammed
(as modifier)
the Abbasid dynasty
Abbasid in American English
(əˈbæsɪd, ˈæbəsɪd)
a member of a dynasty of caliphs ruling at Baghdad, a.d.750–1258, governing most of the Islamic world and claiming descent from Abbas, uncle of Muhammad
Also: Abbassid, Abbasside (əˈbæsaid, ˈæbəˌsaid)
Word origin
[‹ Ar (al-)ʻabbās + -id1]-id is a suffix of nouns that have the general sense “offspring of, descendant of,” occurringoriginally in loanwords from Greek (Atreid; Nereid), and productive in English on the Greek model, esp. in names of dynasties, withthe dynasty’s founder as the base noun (Abbasid; Attalid), and in names of periodic meteor showers, with the base noun usually denoting theconstellation or other celestial object in which the shower appears (Perseid)