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English translation of '比'


  1. (= 比较) compare
    ⇒ 比比过去,现在的生活好多了。 (Bǐbǐ guòqù, xiànzài de shēnghuó hǎo duō le.) Life now is much better compared to the past.
  2. (= 较量) compete
    ⇒ 他们要比比谁游得快。 (Tāmen yào bǐbǐ shuí yóu de kuài.) They are competing to see who swims the fastest.
  3. (= 比拟) compare
    ⇒ 中国人喜欢把大地比作母亲。 (Zhōngguórén xǐhuān bǎ dàdì bǐzuò mǔqīn.) The Chinese like to compare the earth to a mother.
  4. (= 仿照) copy
    ⇒ 孩子们在比着图纸做飞机模型。 (Háizimen zài bǐzhe túzhǐ zuò fēijī móxíng.) The children are making model planes from diagrams.
  5. (= 比画) gesture
    ⇒ 她连说带比。 (Tā lián shuō dài bǐ.) She gesticulates as she talks.

  1. (指得分)
    ⇒ 零比零 (líng bǐ líng) nil-nil (), no score ()
    ⇒ 两队最终以零比零战平。 (Liǎngduì zuìzhōng yǐ líng bǐ líng zhànpíng.) The two teams finally drew nil-nil.
  2. (= 相对)
    ⇒ 今年冬天比去年冷。 (Jīnnián dōngtiān bǐ qùnián lěng.) It is colder this winter than last winter.
(bǐ) is used to express comparisons: to say that X is taller than Y, simply say X 比 Y 高。 e.g. 上海比南京大。 (Shànghǎi bǐ Nánjīng dà.) (Shanghai is bigger than Nanjing).




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