Chromium is a hard, shiny metallic element, used to make steel alloys and to coat other metals.
...chromium-plated fire accessories.
chromium in British English
a hard grey metallic element that takes a high polish, occurring principally in chromite: used in steel alloys and electroplating to increase hardness and corrosion-resistance. Symbol: Cr; atomic no: 24; atomic wt: 51.9961; valency: 2, 3, or 6; relative density: 7.18–7.20; melting pt: 1863±20°C; boiling pt: 2672°C
Word origin
C19: from New Latin, from French: chrome
chromium in American English
a grayish-white, crystalline, very hard, metallic chemical element with a high resistance to corrosion: used in chromium electroplating, in alloy steel ( stainless steel), and in alloys containing nickel, copper, manganese, and other metals ( Nichrome): symbol, Cr; at. no. 24
Word origin
ModL < Fr chrome < Gr chrōma (see chroma) + -ium; so named (1797) by N.-L. Vauquelin, Fr chemist, its discoverer, because of its bright-coloredcompounds
chromium in Automotive Engineering
(Automotive engineering: Materials)
Chromium is a hard, shiny, metallic element, used to make steel alloys and to coat other metals.
The exterior bodywork is a mixture of stainless steel and chromium plating.
Chromium is commonly seen as reflective coatings on items like car bumpers.
Chromium plating provides a hard, corrosion-resistant, low-friction surface on parts likecrankshaft journals or piston rings.