the alteration by photosynthesizing organisms of the proportions of their photosynthetic pigments in response to the intensity and colour of the available light, as shown by algae in the littoral zone, which change from green to red as the zone is descended
Examples of 'chromatic adaptation' in a sentence
chromatic adaptation
Canonical correlation analysis explains similarly chromatic adaptation to different illuminations.
Michael U Gutmann, Valero Laparra, Aapo Hyvärinen, Jesús Malo 2014, 'Spatio-chromatic adaptation via higher-order canonical correlation analysis of naturalimages.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
This phenomenon has been described as complementary chromatic adaptation.
Roberta Ferreira Rizzo, Beatriz do Nascimento Corrêia dos Santos, Gabriela FernandesPepe da Silva de Castro, Thaís Souza Passos, Manuela de Abreu Nascimento, HevelynDantas Guerra, Carla Guidone da Silva, Daiana da Silva Dias, Josiane Roberto Domingues,Kátia Gomes de Lima-Araújo 2015, 'Production of phycobiliproteins by Arthrospira platensis under different lightconditionsfor application in food products', Food Science and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The occurrence of the chromatic adaptation phenomenon in this cyanobacterium was also investigated.
Roberta Ferreira Rizzo, Beatriz do Nascimento Corrêia dos Santos, Gabriela FernandesPepe da Silva de Castro, Thaís Souza Passos, Manuela de Abreu Nascimento, HevelynDantas Guerra, Carla Guidone da Silva, Daiana da Silva Dias, Josiane Roberto Domingues,Kátia Gomes de Lima-Araújo 2015, 'Production of phycobiliproteins by Arthrospira platensis under different lightconditionsfor application in food products', Food Science and Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Protein comparisons suggest a possible correlation between secondary metabolism regulation and light dependent complementary chromatic adaptation.
Dorrestein Pieter C, Gonzalez David, Gerwick Lena, Jones Adam C, Gerwick William H 2009, 'Transcriptional analysis of the jamaicamide gene cluster from the marine cyanobacteriumLyngbya majuscula and identification of possible regulatory proteins', BMC Microbiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Many researches on chromatic adaptation and color constancy suggested that the different levels of visual processes involve the adaptation mechanism.
Yoko Mizokami 2012, 'S3-2: Colorfulness Perception Adapting to Natural Scenes', i-Perception Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The dominant phycobiliproteins were found to belong to the phycocyanin group, this resulting fromcomplementary chromatic adaptation.
Bazyli Czeczuga 2014, 'Studies on phycobiliproteins in Algae. VI. Light-harvesting phycobiliprotein pigmentsin some Rhodophyta from the Adriatic Sea', Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (