Three of these second-look patients had stable grafts without chondral damage.
Samuel B. Adams MD, Adam P. Schiff MD, Christopher E. Gross MD, James A. Nunley MD,Mark E. Easley MD 2016, 'Prospective Evaluation of Structural Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesionsof the Talar Shoulder', Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Charts were reviewed to determine the prevalence and grade of chondral lesions.
Sydney Karnovsky BA, Mark Drakos MD, William Schairer MD, Rachael Da Cunha MD 2017, 'Ankle Arthroscopy for Diagnosis and Treatment of Full Thickness Cartilage Lesionsin the Setting of Ankle Fracture', Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Extra-articular access and exact positioning of the needle electrode exclude direct operative chondral damage.
P P Bosschaert, F C Deprez 2010, 'Acetabular osteoid osteoma treated by percutaneous radio - frequency ablation: delayedarticular cartilage damage', Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The chondral injury grades found were 0, 1, 4 and 5.
SMG Mattiello-Rosa, PFA Cintra Neto, GEG Lima, KNZ Pinto, M Cohen, ER Pimentel 2008, 'Glycosaminoglycan loss from cartilage after anterior cruciate ligament rupture: influenceof time since rupture and chondral injury Perda de glicosaminoglicanas da cartilagemapós ruptura do ligamento cruzado anterior: influência do tempo de ruptura e da lesãocondral', Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Mosaicambium uses less chondral grafts, reducing the potential for morbidity at graft donor zones.
Fernando Fonseca 2009, 'Mosaicoplastia revestida com periósseo no tratamento de perda osteocondral do joelhoMosaicplasty with periosteal gratf for resurfacing local full-thickness chondral defectsof the knee', Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Acetabular labrum lesion and chondral lesion were seen under videoarthroscopy in all cases.
Marcos Emilio Kuschnaroff Contreras, Sérgio Marcondes Brincas, Ademar José de OliveiraPaes Júnior, Getúlio Rodrigues de Oliveira Filho, Francisco José Berral de la Rosa 2008, 'A ressonância magnética e a artrorressonância magnética na lesão labral e condraldo quadril: comparação com achados na artroscopia Magnetic resonance imaging and magneticresonance arthrography in labral and chondral lesion of the hip: comparison with arthroscopyfindings', Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Diagnosis of chondral lesions in the knee can be challenging.
Gan Zhi-Wei Jonathan, Hamid Rahmatullah Bin Abd Razak, Mitra Amit Kanta 2016, 'Cartilage Delamination Flap Mimicking a Torn Medial Meniscus', Case Reports in Orthopedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Arthroscopy revealed a chondral delamination flap, which was debrided.
Gan Zhi-Wei Jonathan, Hamid Rahmatullah Bin Abd Razak, Mitra Amit Kanta 2016, 'Cartilage Delamination Flap Mimicking a Torn Medial Meniscus', Case Reports in Orthopedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The treatment performed for each chondral lesion was determined.
Sydney Karnovsky BA, Mark Drakos MD, William Schairer MD, Rachael Da Cunha MD 2017, 'Ankle Arthroscopy for Diagnosis and Treatment of Full Thickness Cartilage Lesionsin the Setting of Ankle Fracture', Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A chondral lesion was identified in 78% (90/116).
Sydney Karnovsky BA, Mark Drakos MD, William Schairer MD, Rachael Da Cunha MD 2017, 'Ankle Arthroscopy for Diagnosis and Treatment of Full Thickness Cartilage Lesionsin the Setting of Ankle Fracture', Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (