radiographic examination of the bile ducts after the introduction into them of a contrast medium
cholangiography in American English
(kəˌlændʒiˈɑɡrəfi, kou-)
x-ray examination of the bile ducts using a radiopaque contrast medium
Word origin
[1935–40; chol- + angio- + -graphy]This word is first recorded in the period 1935–40. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: bingo, blitz, complementation, fluorocarbon, prime moverangio- is a learned borrowing from Greek meaning “vessel,” “container,” used in the formationof compound words. Other words that use the affix angio- include: angioblast, angiocarpous, angiography, angiology, angiosperm; -graphy is a combining form denoting a process or form of drawing, writing, representing,recording, describing, etc., or an art or science concerned with such a process. Otherwords that use the affix -graphy include: biography, choreography, geography, orthography, photography
Examples of 'cholangiography' in a sentence
Magnetic resonance cholangiography confirmed the giant choledochal cyst.
Olival Cirilo Lucena da Fonseca-Neto, Hermes Willer Olinda Sant'Ana, Luciana MarinsCavalcanti, Antônio Lopes de Miranda 2007, 'Cisto gigante de colédoco Giant choledochal cyst', ABCD: Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All patients underwent cholangiography, either preoperative endoscopic or during cholecystectomy.
Tércio de Campos, José Gustavo Parreira, André de Moricz, Ronaldo Elias Carnut Rego,Rodrigo Altenfelder Silva, Adhemar Monteiro Pacheco Junior 2004, 'Fatores preditivos de coledocolitíase em doentes com litíase vesicular Predictorsof choledocholithiasis in patients sustaining gallstones', Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Cholangiography and liver biopsy revealed sclerosing cholangitis.
Wen-Tsan Chang, Niang-Cheng Lin, Cheng-Yuan Hsia, Chin-Su Liu, Hsin-Lin Tsai, Che-ChuanLoong 2012, 'Liver transplantation for a renal transplantation recipient with secondary sclerosingcholangitis by choledochoduodenal fistula', Asian Journal of Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Sheath cholangiography revealed an arteriobiliary fistula involving left hepatic arterial branches.
Faris Galambo, Majid Maybody 2019, 'Trans biliary proximal and distal coil embolization of an arteriobiliary fistula:report of a case and review of literature', CVIR Endovascular Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Intraoperative cholangiography was performed in subsequent patients undergoing right trisegmentectomy to avoid biliary complications.
Wen-Xi Wang, Sheung-Tat Fan 2003, 'Use of the Endo-GIA Vascular Stapler for Hepatic Resection', Asian Journal of Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography showed an oval filling defect in the bile duct causing the obstruction.
Madhukumar Preetha, Alexander Y.F. Chung, Dennis T.H. Lim 2004, 'Intrahepatic Biliary Cystadenoma Presenting with Obstructive Jaundice', Asian Journal of Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The result of the intraoperative cholangiography was normal in all cases.
Paulo Roberto Ott Fontes, Ângelo Alves de Mattos, Rene Jacobsen Eilers, Mauro Nectoux,Jorge Olavo Pitta Pinheiro 2002, 'Colecistectomia laparoscópica em cirróticos Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patientswith liver cirrhosis', Arquivos de Gastroenterologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
He underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy with intraoperative fluorescence cholangiography.
Narongsak Rungsakulkij, Pongsatorn Tangtawee 2017, 'Fluorescence cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient withsitus inversus totalis: a case report and literature review', BMC Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In all patients, magnetic resonance cholangiography will be obtained at six months after transplantation.
Rianne van Rijn, Aad P. van den Berg, Joris I. Erdmann, Nigel Heaton, Bart van Hoek,Jeroen de Jonge, Henri G. D. Leuvenink, Shekar V. K. Mahesh, Sarah Mertens, DiethardMonbaliu, Paolo Muiesan, M. Thamara P. R. Perera, Wojciech G. Polak, Xavier Rogiers,Roberto I. Troisi, Yvonne de Vries, Robert J. Porte 2019, 'Study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial to compare the efficacyof end-ischemic dual hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion with static cold storagein preventing non-anastomotic biliary strictures after transplantation of liver graftsdonated after circulatory death: DHOPE-DCD trial', BMC Gastroenterology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The patients were grouped according to cholangiography technique (laparotomy/laparoscopy).
Murat Alkan, Kamuran Tutus, Ender Fakıoglu, Onder Ozden, Zehra Hatipoglu, Serdar HilmiIskit, Recep Tuncer, Unal Zorludemir 2016, 'Laparoscopy-Assisted Percutaneous Cholangiography in Biliary Atresia Diagnosis: Comparisonwith Open Technique', Gastroenterology Research and Practice Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (