the letters used by the Romans for the representation of cardinal numbers, still used occasionally today. The integers are represented by the following letters: I (= 1), V (= 5), X (= 10), L (= 50), C (= 100), D (= 500), and M (= 1000). If a numeral is followed by another numeral of lower denomination, the two are added together; if it is preceded by one of lower denomination, the smaller numeral is subtracted from the greater. Thus VI = 6 (V + I), but IV = 4 (V – I). Other examples are XC (= 90), CL (= 150), XXV (= 25), XLIV (= 44). Multiples of a thousand are indicated by a superior bar: thus, V̅ = 5000, X̅ = 10 000, X̅D̅ = 490 000, etc
Roman numerals in American English
the Roman letters used as numerals until the 10th cent. a.d.: in Roman numerals I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, and M = 1,000Other numbers are formed from these by adding or subtracting: the value of a symbol following another of the same or greater value is added (e.g., III = 3, XV = 15); the value of a symbol preceding one of greater value is subtracted(e.g., IX = 9); and the value of a symbol standing between two of greater value is subtracted from that of the second, the remainder being added to that of the first (e.g., XIX = 19)
Roman numerals are commonly written in capitals, though they may be written in lowercaseletters, as in numbering subdivisions (e.g., Act IV, scene iii) A bar over a letterindicates multiplication by 1,000 (e.g., = 5,000)
Examples of 'Roman numerals' in a sentence
Roman numerals
Mostly it used Roman numerals because of course they are expressed in letters.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
I undid her neat wrapping and unclasped the dark velvet case: a gentleman's watch with a leather strap, three hands and Roman numerals.
Edward Docx THE CALLIGRAPHER (2001)
`Now, think Roman numerals and check out the upper case letters.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
It had Roman numerals, the three usual hands, a moon phase dial, a calendar, and a half dial for a second time zone.