If you talk about marauding groups of people or animals, you mean they are unpleasant and dangerous, because they wander around looking for opportunities to steal or kill.
Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies.
...safe from danger, such as marauding wild animals.
Synonyms: predatory, looting, pillaging, thieving More Synonyms of marauding
marauding in British English
wandering or raiding in search of plunder or victims
Examples of 'marauding' in a sentence
Wanted to keep all the marauding Murphy's Harbour bachelors away from your door.
Wood, Ted SNOWJOB (2001)
DC Manning parked directly outside on the yellow line, propping his log book on the dashboard for any marauding traffic warden.
Fraser, Anthea THE GOSPEL MAKERS (2001)
They dealt with everything from lost travelers to foolish bandits or marauding beasts, and were not to be trifled with.