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View usage for: (mɑːʳ) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense mars, present participle marring, past tense, past participle marredverbTo mar something means to spoil or damage it. A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event. [VERB noun] That election was marred by massive cheating. [VERB noun] Synonyms: harm, damage, hurt, spoil More Synonyms of mar More Synonyms of mar
Mar. is a written abbreviation for March. (mɑː) verbWord forms: mars, marring or marred1. (transitive) to cause harm to; spoil or impair noun2. a disfiguring mark; blemish Derived forms marrer (ˈmarrer) noun Word origin Old English merran; compare Old Saxon merrian to hinder, Old Norse merja to bruise mar in American English 1 (mɑr) verb transitiveWord forms: marred or ˈmarring1. to injure or damage so as to make imperfect, less attractive, etc.; spoil; impair; disfigure noun2. Rare something that mars; an injury or blemish Word origin ME marren < OE mierran, to hinder, spoil, akin to Goth marzjan, to offend < IE base * mer-, to disturb, anger > Sans mŕṣyate, (he) forgets, neglects mar in American English 2 Examples of 'mar' in a sentencemar The 70-year-old's election victory was marred by widespread protest and violence.The sales were also marred by violence.The election was marred by allegations of bribery.It was a moment in the match that marred the afternoon.The carnival has been marred by violence in the past.But the match was marred by sickening crowd violence.Similar protests last year were marred by violence.Germany won on penalties but the end of the game was marred by a scuffle between players and backroom staff.The day was further marred by the death of a jailed journalist after a ten-day hunger strike.It didn't mar the game but it should have been avoided.Yet another top-flight match was marred by rank defending and shoddy midfield play.The match was marred by controversy over the Wales try.Cops are considering the move in a bid to avert violence that marred previous meetings between the bitter London rivals.And they ignored the way he won a meaningless election marred by murder last year with a ludicrous 93 per cent share of the vote.I can only imagine the tangled thoughts and confused emotions behind their outpouring as they feel the weight of a world marred by violence and loss.I hope it does not mar the game,' he said. British English: mar VERB To mar something means to spoil or damage it. A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event. - American English: mar
- Brazilian Portuguese: estragar
- Chinese: 破坏
- European Spanish: estropear
- French: gâcher
- German: verderben
- Italian: sciupare
- Japanese: 損なう
- Korean: 망치다
- European Portuguese: estragar
- Latin American Spanish: estropear
Chinese translation of 'mar' vt - (= spoil)
毁(毀)坏(壞) (huǐhuài)
abbr - (= March)
三月 (sānyuè)
Additional synonymsDefinition to harm or injure He doesn't want to damage his reputation as a political personality. Synonyms harm, ruin, mar, stain, taint, tarnish, blot, blemish, sully, smirch Definition to deliberately spoil the surface or appearance of It's illegal to deface banknotes. Synonyms vandalize, damage, destroy, total (slang), injure, mar, spoil, trash (slang), impair, tarnish, obliterate, mutilate, deform, blemish, disfigure, sullyDefinition to put (something) out of shape or spoil its appearance Severe rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs. Synonyms disfigure, twist, injure, cripple, ruin, mar, spoil, mutilate, maim, defaceDefinition to make (something) seem less good, valuable, or impressive His faults detracted from his appeal. Synonyms lessen, reduce, diminish, lower, take away from, derogate, devaluate Definition to spoil the appearance or shape of These items could be used to injure or disfigure someone. Synonyms damage, scar, mutilate, maim, injure, wound, deformThey don't want to hurt their own careers. Synonyms damage, harm, ruin, mar, undermine, wreck, spoil, sabotage, blight, jeopardize, crool or cruel (Australian, slang) Definition to damage or weaken in strength or quality The bright sunshine was impairing my vision. Synonyms worsen, reduce, damage, injure, harm, mar, undermine, weaken, spoil, diminish, decrease, blunt, deteriorate, lessen, hinder, debilitate, vitiate, enfeeble, enervateDefinition to hurt physically or mentally A bomb exploded, seriously injuring five people. Synonyms hurt, wound, harm, break, damage, smash, crush, mar, disable, shatter, bruise, impair, mutilate, maim, mangle, mangulate (Australian, slang), incapacitateDefinition to injure badly or cruelly, with some permanent damage resulting One man has lost his life; another has been maimed. Synonyms cripple, hurt, injure, wound, disable, hamstring, impair, lame, mutilate, incapacitate, put out of action Definition to destroy or damage by crushing and twisting After being crushed, the car was mangled beyond all recognition. Synonyms crush, mutilate, maim, deform, cut, total (slang), tear, destroy, ruin, mar, rend, wreck, spoil, butcher, cripple, hack, distort, trash (slang), maul, disfigure, lacerate, mangulate (Australian, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition to injure by tearing or cutting off a limb or essential part His arm was mutilated in an industrial accident. Synonyms maim, damage, injure, disable, butcher, cripple, hack, lame, cut up, mangle, mangulate (Australian, slang), dismember, disfigure, lacerate, cut to pieces Definition to mark or become marked with a scar He was scarred for life during a pub fight. Synonyms mark, disfigure, damage, brand, mar, mutilate, maim, blemish, deface, traumatize, disfeature Definition to make (something) less valuable, beautiful, or useful It is important not to let mistakes spoil your life. Synonyms ruin, destroy, wreck, damage, total (slang), blow (slang), injure, upset, harm, mar, scar, undo, trash (slang), impair, mess up, blemish, disfigure, debase, deface, put a damper on, crool or cruel (Australian, slang) It was too late. Their reputation had been stained. Synonyms disgrace, taint, blacken, sully, corrupt, contaminate, deprave, defile, besmirch, drag through the mud Definition to spoil or make dirty I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it. Synonyms defile, dirty, stain, spot, spoil, contaminate, pollute, taint, tarnish, blemish, befoul Definition to spoil or contaminate by an undesirable quality Rancid oil will taint the flavour. Synonyms spoil, ruin, contaminate, damage, soil, dirty, poison, foul, infect, stain, corrupt, smear, muddy, pollute, blight, tarnish, blot, blemish, sully, defile, adulterate, besmirch, vitiate, smirch Definition to damage or taint His image was tarnished by the savings and loans scandal. Synonyms damage, taint, blacken, sully, drag through the mud, smirch Definition to spoil or weaken the effectiveness of (something) electoral abuses which could vitiate the entire voting process Synonyms spoil, mar, undermine, impair, injure, harm, devalue, water down, blemish, invalidate, crool or cruel (Australian, slang) Definition to spoil or be the one bad feature of A number of problems marred the smooth running of the event. Definition to spoil or be the one bad feature of The scar didn't mar his self-confidence, he rather liked it. Synonyms Opposites better , improve , adorn , ornament , embellish , ameliorate Additional synonymsDefinition to spoil or tarnish She wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.Nobody wanted to blemish his reputation at that time. Synonyms dishonour, mark, damage, spot, injure, ruin, mar, spoil, stain, blur, disgrace, impair, taint, tarnish, blot, smudge, disfigure, sully, deface, blotch, besmirch, smirch Definition to cause to suffer a blight families whose lives were blighted by unemployment Synonyms frustrate, destroy, ruin, crush, mar, dash, wreck, spoil, crool or cruel (Australian, slang), scar, undo, mess up, annihilate, nullify, put a damper on Definition to cause a blemish in or on Only one memorable slip-up has blotted his career. Synonyms stain, mark, spot, spoil, disgrace, tarnish, disfigure, sully, smirch |