

单词 roll up

Examples of 'roll up' in a sentence
roll up

He had returned from his outing in a mood to roll up his sleeves and start in at once on his soap opera.Tomorrow I could roll up outside the police station with the photograph and stir things up.The old junk sailors even used to roll up a reed sail and use it for a life raft if they were shipwrecked.Kemp got up and retrieved the burning roll-up from the carpet where it had fallen from the man's fingers.There was a keen, intelligent aura to Robert Patrick Malone for a moment, and then he returned to assembling his roll-up cigarette.He indicated a steel roll-up type double door on the far right wall.

Word lists with
roll up

Types of cigar and cigarette

Chinese translation of 'roll up'

roll up


  1. [carpet, newspaper, string] 卷(捲)起 (juǎnqǐ)


  1. (inf, = arrive) 到达(達) (dàodá)
See roll



n (c)

  1. [of paper, cloth, film etc] 一卷 (yī juǎn)
  2. [of banknotes] 一叠(疊) (yī dié)
  3. (also bread roll) 小圆(圓)面(麵)包 (xiǎo yuánmiànbāo) (个(個), )
  4. (= register, list) 花名册(冊) (huāmíngcè) (, běn)
  5. (= sound) [of drums, thunder] 持续(續)而平稳(穩)的振动(動)声(聲) (chíxù ér píngwěn de zhèndòngshēng)


  1. [ball, stone, dice etc] 使滚(滾)动(動) (shǐ gǔndòng)
  2. [carpet, string] (also roll up) 绕(繞) (rào)
    1. [sleeves, cigarette] (juǎn)
  3. [eyes] 转(轉)动(動) (zhuàndòng)
  4. [pastry] (also roll out) (gǎn)
  5. (= flatten) [lawn, road, surface] 碾平 (niǎnpíng)


  1. [ball, stone] 滚(滾)动(動) (gǔndòng)
  2. [drums, thunder] 发(發)出隆隆声(聲) (fāchū lónglóngshēng)
  3. [vehicle] 缓(緩)行 (huǎnxíng)
  4. [ship] 左右摇(搖)晃 (zuǒyòu yáohuàng)
  5. [tears, sweat] 滚(滾)落 (gǔnluò)
  6. [camera, printing press] 运(運)转(轉) (yùnzhuǎn)
    cheese/ham roll 奶酪/火腿面(麵)包卷(捲) (nǎilào/huǒtuǐ miànbāojuǎn)
    to be rolling in it (inf) 赚(賺)大笔(筆)的钱(錢) (zhuàn dà bǐ de qián)
    on a roll (inf) 好运(運)连(連)连(連) (hǎoyùn liánlián)
    rolled into one (inf) 合为(為)一体(體)的 (hé wéi yītǐ de)

Nearby words of
roll up

  • roll call
  • roll in
  • roll over
  • roll up
  • rolled into one
  • roller
  • roller coaster

Related terms of
roll up

  • roll
  • roll over
  • roll in
  • roll about
(phrasal verb) 
to arrive
He rolled up at the front of the hotel.
turn up
He turned up on Christmas Day with a friend.
A woman appeared at the far end of the street.
Fresh groups of guests arrived.
show up (informal)
Many workers failed to show up for work today.
make an appearance
show your face
I felt I ought to show my face at the party.
See roll
Seeroll in

Nearby words of
roll up

  • role
  • roll
  • roll in
  • roll up
  • rollick
  • rollicking
  • rolling in the aisles

Synonyms of 'roll up'

roll up

Explore 'roll up' in the dictionary




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