the stress level at which a metal or other material ceases to behave elastically. The stress divided by the strain is no longer constant. The point at which this occurs is known as the yield point
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yield stress
The yield stress increases with increasing magnetic field.
Chuncheng Yang, Mengchun Yu, Shuchun Zhao, Yuan Tian, Xiufang Bian 2018, 'Magnetoviscous Property and Hyperthermia Effect of Amorphous Nanoparticle AqueousFerrofluids', Nanoscale Research Letters Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, it possesses low elastic modulus and yield stress.
Filiberto González Garcia, Maria E. Leyva, Alvaro A. A. de Queiroz 2010, 'Influência da Estrutura química do co-monômero nas propriedades mecânicas e adesivasde redes epoxídicas Influence of chemical structure of co-monomer on mechanical andadhesive properties of epoxy networks', Polímeros Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The dent diameter however increased as the yield stress increased.
Mehmet E. Uz 2019, 'Examining Dent Formation Caused by Hailstone Impact', Shock and Vibration Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The yield stress increases with waste rubber loading increment.
M.M. Abdel Kader, S.M. Abdel-wehab, M.A. Helal, H.H. Hassan 2012, 'Evaluation of thermal insulation and mechanical properties of waste rubber/naturalrubber composite', HBRC Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The results showed a high dynamic yield stress.
Kejie Wang, Xiaomin Dong, Junli Li, Kaiyuan Shi, Keju Li 2019, 'Effects of Silicone Oil Viscosity and Carbonyl Iron Particle Weight Fraction and Sizeon Yield Stress for Magnetorheological Grease Based on a New Preparation Technique',Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Materials with high curvature grains have more enhanced yield stress.
P. Baonhe Sob, A. Alfayo Alugongo, T. Ba Bob Tengen 2017, 'Stochastic Effect of Grain Elongation on Nanocrystalline Materials Strain and StrainRate Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding and Equal Channel Angular Pressing', Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (