verbWord forms: gives, giving, gave (ɡeɪv) or given (ˈɡɪvən) (mainly tr)1. (also intr) to present or deliver voluntarily (something that is one's own) to the permanent possession of another or others
2. (often foll by for) to transfer (something that is one's own, esp money) to the possession of anotheras part of an exchange
to give fifty pounds for a painting
3. to place in the temporary possession of another
I gave him my watch while I went swimming
4. (when intr, foll by of) to grant, provide, or bestow
give me some advice
5. to administer
to give a reprimand
6. to award or attribute
to give blame, praise, etc
7. to be a source of
he gives no trouble
8. to impart or communicate
to give news
give a person a cold
9. to utter or emit
to give a shout
10. to perform, make, or do
the car gave a jolt and stopped
11. to sacrifice or devote
he gave his life for his country
12. to surrender
to give place to others
13. to concede or yield
I will give you this game
14. (intransitive) informal to happen
what gives?
15. (often foll by to) to cause; lead
she gave me to believe that she would come
16. (foll by for) to value (something) at
I don't give anything for his promises
17. to perform or present as an entertainment
to give a play
18. to propose as a toast
I give you the Queen
19. (intransitive) to yield or break under force or pressure
this surface will give if you sit on it
his courage will never give
20. give as good as one gets
21. give battle
22. give birth
23. give a person five
24. give ground
25. give me
26. give someone one
27. give or take
28. give rise to
29. give it up for someone
30. give way
31. give a person what for