A chain reaction is a series of chemical changes, each of which causes the next.
2. countable noun
A chain reaction is a series of events, each of which causes the next.
Whenever recession strikes, a chain reaction is set into motion.
The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions. [+ of]
chain reaction in British English
a process in which a neutron colliding with an atomic nucleus causes fission and the ejection of one or more other neutrons, which induce other nuclei to split
a chemical reaction in which the product of one step is a reactant in the following step
a series of rapidly occurring events, each of which precipitates the next
chain reaction in American English
a self-sustaining series of chemical or nuclear reactions in which the products of the reaction contribute directly to the process: it can be started by light, an electric spark, bombardment with neutrons, etc.
any sequence of events, each of which results in, or has an effect on, the following
chain reaction in Chemical Engineering
(tʃeɪn riækʃən)
Word forms: (regular plural) chain reactions
(Chemical Engineering: General)
A chain reaction is a chemical or nuclear reaction in which the products of the reaction cause morereactions to happen.
In the chain reaction, free radicals react with molecules, liberating new free radicals, and the reactionpropagates quickly.
Because each of those neutrons can induce further fission, a self-sustaining chain reaction is possible.
A chain reaction is a chemical or nuclear reaction in which the products of the reaction cause morereactions to happen.
In other languages
chain reaction
British English: chain reaction NOUN
A chain reaction is a series of chemical changes, each of which causes the next.