one of 99 actual or notional values of a variable dividing its distribution into 100 groups with equal frequencies; the 90th percentile is the value of a variable such that 90% of the relevant population is below that value
Also called: centile
centile in American English
(ˈsentail, -tɪl)
(not in technical use)
a percentile
Word origin
[‹ L cent(um) hundred + -ile]-ile is a suffix of adjectives expressing capability, susceptibility, liability, aptitude,etc. Other words that use the affix -ile include: gentile, hostile, juvenile, servile, textile
Examples of 'centile' in a sentence
Started life on the 99th centile and is now barely on the 9th, for height at least, not weight, being so stocky.
Bénédicte Newland and Pascale Smets AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR (2005)
If the weight centile drops, there is something wrong.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
This would be just above the 50th centile and perfectly normal.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
After the first few months of life weight and height gain generally track along the same centile line.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
This is because income from inheritance in the top centile is roughly equivalent to income from earnings.
The Times Literary Supplement (2014)
You have to multiply by more than five to move from the middle to the 99th centile.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
Deviation from an established centile line is something that health professionals look out for, particularly changes to the weight centile.