The thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Celsius in British English
denoting a measurement on the Celsius scale
Symbol: C
Word origin
C18: named after Anders Celsius (1701–44), Swedish astronomer who invented it
Celsius in American English
designating or of a thermometer on which 0° is the freezing point and 100° is the boiling point of water; centigrade: the formula for converting a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit is °F = 9⁄5 °C + 32
abbrev. C
this thermometer or its scale
Word origin
after A. Celsius (1701-44), Swed astronomer, the inventor
Celsius in Electrical Engineering
(sɛlsiəs) or C
(Electrical engineering: General)
Celsius is an international scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at100 degrees.
Most programmable controllers are rated to operate from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius.
The extended operating temperature range of -40 to +125 degrees Celsius ensures these amplifiers can be used in extreme conditions, such as those found inindustrial applications.
Celsius is an international scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0degrees and boils at 100 degrees.
Examples of 'Celsius' in a sentence
The car's radio told them the temperature was only 14 degrees Celsius.
Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)
It was a beautiful morning; not a cloud in the sky, minus fifteen Celsius.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
'A cool but bearable twenty degrees Celsius, about sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
Cussler, Clive INCA GOLD (1994)
In other languages
British English: Celsius ADJECTIVE
Celsius is a scale for measuring temperature, in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees.