Yellow fever is a serious infectious disease that people can catch in tropical countries.
yellow fever in British English
an acute infectious disease of tropical and subtropical climates, characterized by fever, haemorrhages, vomiting of blood, and jaundice: caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito of the species Aedes aegypti
Also called: yellow jack, black vomit
yellow fever in American English
an acute, infectious tropical disease caused by a virus transmitted by the bite ofa mosquito (Aëdes aegypti) and characterized by fever, jaundice, vomiting, etc.
Examples of 'yellow fever' in a sentence
yellow fever
Malaria medication and a yellow fever injection are recommended before you enter the country.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
He often narrowly escaped death in battle and had serious bouts of malaria or yellow fever.
Paula Byrne PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson (2004)
Yellow fever confers full immunity on survivors, whereas it is possible to build up resistance to malaria through multiple exposures to it.
The Times Literary Supplement (2010)
Other mosquito-borne diseases include dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis.
The Sun (2014)
In the space of two years, yellow fever and malaria killed 267 men of the regiment.
Henderson, Diana M The Scottish Regiments (1993)
It spread to west Africa and there it picked up the yellow fever virus, which quickly became adapted to infecting human hosts.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Curiously, there has already been an epidemic of yellow fever in the UK.