any of various European plants of the genus Hypochoeris, esp H. radicata, having dandelion-like heads of yellow flowers: family Asteraceae (composites)
cat's-ear in American English
1. Also called: gosmore
any of several Old World composite plants of the genus Hypochaeris, having leaves in a rosette at the base and dandelionlike yellow or white flowers, esp. H. radicata, naturalized as a weed in the western U.S.
any western American plant of the genus Calochortus, of the lily family, as C. coeruleus or C. elegans, having white or bluish bell-shaped flowers
Word origin
[1840–50]This word is first recorded in the period 1840–50. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: bypass, colloid, organizer, set piece, warmup