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View usage for: (rɪgərəs) 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience. ...a rigorous system of blood analysis. ...rigorous military training. Synonyms: strict, hard, firm, demanding More Synonyms of rigorous rigorously adverb ...rigorously conducted research. 2. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]If someone is rigorous in the way that they do something, they are very careful and thorough. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. [+ in] Synonyms: thorough, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous More Synonyms of rigorous rigorous in British English (ˈrɪɡərəs) adjective1. characterized by or proceeding from rigour; harsh, strict, or severe rigorous discipline 2. severely accurate; scrupulous rigorous book-keeping 3. (esp of weather) extreme or harsh 4. mathematics, logic (of a proof) making the validity of the successive steps completely explicit Derived forms rigorously (ˈrigorously) adverb rigorousness (ˈrigorousness) noun rigorous in American English (ˈrɪgərəs) adjective1. very strict or harsh a rigorous rule, master, etc. 2. very severe or sharp a rigorous climate 3. rigidly precise; thoroughly accurate or exact rigorous scholarship Derived forms rigorously (ˈrigorously) adverb rigorousness (ˈrigorousness) noun Word origin OFr < ML rigorosusExamples of 'rigorous' in a sentencerigorous He had the gift of being able to impose rigorous discipline without anyone taking it personally.Regardless of their identity, all bidders will have to go through the same rigorous approval process.But it is understood the panel are reluctant to rush a'very rigorous' process.Politicians have been promising more transparent accounts and more rigorous spending controls for half a decade.The same rigorous discipline is followed by young athletes in other sports.Ireland excelled last season after putting himself through a rigorous summer fitness training programme.The judiciary should continue to be drawn from those who pass the rigorous selection process.She has always said that rigorous examination of her conduct was right and proper.The answer is surely to provide a more rigorous and respected system of technical qualifications.The crew members went through a rigorous selection procedure for which there were thousands of applicants.She has had to go through a rigorous process of scrutiny to secure the deal.Selection is followed by a rigorous testing procedure that ends with an examination.But the rigorous selection process ensured that none of the crew came to fisticuffs.It has bought modern aircraft and is introducing rigorous new procedures.It said that a rigorous assessment process meant they would not accept anyone applying purely for financial gain.Ten celebrities are out to prove they are more than just pretty faces and have undergone months of rigorous training.We do not teach art as the rigorous, demanding discipline it is for the artist. Training is rigorous, as are background checks.There will be a really rigorous accreditation system, raising the bar of what we expect.The first and most rigorous discipline in life is to look after one's own body.Planning systems are more rigorous and the country is more crowded in the 21st century.Her solution is rigorous control.It represents the more rigorous school of military history that has emerged in recent years, providing new insights and new perspectives.They are controlled by food regulations, so are subject to far fewer rigorous controls over claims of what they can do.Some focus on rigorous selection and training of volunteers, who are expected to bring skills to the project and show results.Once a chair or bed is completed in the factory, it undergoes a rigorous quality control process before it reaches their warehouse. In other languagesrigorous British English: rigorous ADJECTIVE A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict. The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience. - American English: rigorous
- Brazilian Portuguese: rigoroso
- Chinese: > 严格缜密的测试、制度、程序
- European Spanish: riguroso
- French: rigoureux
- German: rigoros
- Italian: rigoroso
- Japanese: 厳密な
- Korean: 엄격한
- European Portuguese: rigoroso
- Latin American Spanish: riguroso
Chinese translation of 'rigorous' adj - [control, test, training]
严(嚴)格的 (yángé de)
Definition harsh, strict, or severe rigorous military training Synonyms Opposites kind , easy , soft , relaxed , friendly , weak , loose , gentle , flexible , mild , sympathetic , tolerant , humane , indulgent , lax , lenient , genial , permissive Definition severely accurate He is rigorous in his control of expenditure. Synonyms Opposites careless , inaccurate , sloppy , loose , incorrect , negligent , unscrupulous , imperfect , haphazard , slapdash , slovenly , inexact , half-hearted Additional synonymsa more accurate description of the terrain Synonyms precise, right, close, nice, regular, correct, careful, strict, proper, exact, faithful, explicit, authentic, spot-on, just, clear-cut, meticulous, truthful, faultless, scrupulous, unerring, veraciousDefinition stern or severe an austere, distant, cold person Synonyms stern, hard, serious, cold, severe, formal, grave, strict, exacting, harsh, stiff, forbidding, grim, rigorous, solemn, stringent, inflexible, unrelenting, unfeelingDefinition painstaking or thorough in one's work She is generally very conscientious about her work. Synonyms thorough, particular, careful, exact, faithful, meticulous, painstaking, diligent, punctilious (formal) Additional synonymsDefinition requiring a lot of skill, time, or effort It is a demanding job. Synonyms difficult, trying, hard, taxing, wearing, challenging, tough, exhausting, exacting, exigentDefinition correct in every detail I can't remember the exact words he used. Synonyms accurate, very, correct, true, particular, right, express, specific, careful, precise, identical, authentic, faithful, explicit, definite, orderly, literal, unequivocal, faultless, on the money (informal), unerring, veraciousDefinition making rigorous or excessive demands Our new manager has very exacting standards. Synonyms strict, severe, harsh, stern, rigid, rigorous, stringent, oppressive, imperious, unsparingDefinition not soft or yielding to a touch or pressure Fruit should be firm and excellent in condition. Synonyms hard, solid, compact, dense, set, concentrated, stiff, compacted, rigid, compressed, inflexible, solidified, unyielding, congealed, inelastic, jelled, close-grained, jellified Definition unkind or unfeeling His father was a hard man. Synonyms harsh, severe, strict, cold, exacting, cruel, grim, stern, ruthless, stubborn, unjust, callous, unkind, unrelenting, implacable, unsympathetic, pitiless, unfeeling, obdurate, unsparing, affectless, hardhearted Definition unkind and showing no understanding He said many harsh and unkind things. Synonyms hard, sharp, severe, bitter, cruel, stern, unpleasant, abusive, unkind, pitiless, unfeelingDefinition unwilling to be persuaded They viewed him as stubborn, inflexible and dogmatic. Synonyms obstinate, strict, relentless, firm, fixed, iron, adamant, rigorous, stubborn, stringent, uncompromising, resolute, steely, intractable, inexorable, implacable, steadfast, hard and fast, unyielding, immutable, immovable, unbending, obdurate, stiff-necked, dyed-in-the-wool, unchangeable, brassbound, set in your ways Definition very precise about details He was so meticulous about everything. Synonyms thorough, detailed, particular, strict, exact, precise, microscopic, fussy, painstaking, perfectionist, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious, nit-picky (informal) Definition subtle As a politician, he drew a nice distinction between his own opinions and the wishes of the majority. Synonyms precise, fine, careful, strict, accurate, exact, exacting, subtle, delicate, discriminating, rigorous, meticulous, scrupulous, fastidiousDefinition extremely careful and thorough Police carried out a painstaking search of the area. Synonyms thorough, careful, meticulous, earnest, exacting, strenuous, conscientious, persevering, diligent, scrupulous, industrious, assiduous, thoroughgoing, punctilious (formal), sedulousAdditional synonymsDefinition strict in observing rules or standards They speak very precise English. Synonyms strict, particular, exact, nice, formal, careful, stiff, rigid, meticulous, inflexible, scrupulous, fastidious, prim, puritanical, finicky, punctilious (formal), ceremoniousDefinition attentive to detail He was punctilious about being ready exactly on time. Synonyms particular, careful, strict, exact, nice, formal, proper, precise, meticulous, conscientious, fussy, scrupulous, finicky, anal retentive, ceremonious, nit-picky (informal) Definition inflexible or strict Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid. Synonyms strict, set, fixed, exact, rigorous, stringent, austere, severeDefinition very careful or precise scrupulous attention to detail Synonyms careful, strict, precise, minute, nice, exact, rigorous, meticulous, painstaking, fastidious, punctilious (formal) Definition strict or harsh in the treatment of others This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary. Synonyms strict, hard, harsh, cruel, rigid, relentless, drastic, oppressive, austere, Draconian, unrelenting, inexorable, pitiless, unbending, iron-handed Definition difficult and often unpleasant He said stern measures would be taken against the criminals. Synonyms strict, harsh, rigorous, hard, cruel, grim, rigid, relentless, drastic, authoritarian, austere, inflexible, unrelenting, unyielding, unsparingDefinition requiring strict attention to rules or detail Its drug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world. Synonyms strict, tough, rigorous, demanding, binding, tight, severe, exacting, rigid, inflexibleDefinition strict and firm He announced tough measures to limit the money supply. Synonyms strict, severe, stern, hard, firm, exacting, adamant, resolute, draconian, intractable, inflexible, merciless, unforgiving, unyielding, unbending |