an offer to buy shares in a corporation with the price specified by the buyer
tender offer in American English
a public offer to purchase a block of stock in a corporation, often the controlling interest, within a specified period and ata stipulated price, usually well above the existing market price
tender offer in Finance
(tɛndər ɔfər)
Word forms: (regular plural) tender offers
(Finance: Investment)
A tender offer is an offer to buy shares directly from shareholders at a higher than market price, that can be part of a takeover bid or a share repurchase.
A hostile takeover with the aim of replacing current existing management is usuallyattempted through a public tender offer.
The acquirer made a tender offer directly to shareholders of the target company to sell their shares.
A tender offer is an offer to buy shares directly from shareholders at a higher than market price,that can be part of a takeover bid or a share repurchase.