Ferdinand. Portuguese name Fernão de Magalhães. ?1480–1521, Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain. He commanded an expedition of five ships that set out to sail to the East Indies via the West. He discovered the Strait of Magellan (1520), crossed the Pacific, and reached the Philippines (1521), where he was killed by natives. One of his ships reached Spain (1522) and was therefore the first tocircumnavigate the world
Magellan in American English1
Ferdinand1480?-1521; Port. navigator in the service of Spain: discovered the Strait of Magellan& the Philippine Islands
Derived forms
Magellanic (Magelˈlanic) (ˌmædʒəˈlænɪk)
Magellan in American English2
Strait ofchannel between the South American mainland & Tierra del Fuego: c. 350 mi (563 km) long