Made is the past tense and past participle of make1.
2. adjective
If something is made of or made out of a particular substance, that substance was used to build it.
The top of the table is made of glass. [+ of]
What is the statue made out of? [+ out of]
See to have it made
combining form [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
-made combines with words such as 'factory' to make adjectives that indicate that something has been made or produced in a particular place or in a particularway.
...a British-made car.
...specially-made footwear.
made in British English
1. the past tense and past participle of make1
artificially produced
3. (in combination)
produced or shaped as specified
4. get it made
5. made of money
made in American English
verb transitive, verb intransitive
1. pt. & pp. of
constructed; shaped; formed
a well-made play
produced artificially
made ground, from filling in a swamp
invented; contrived
a made word
prepared from various ingredients
a made dish
sure of success
a made man
have (got) it made
More idioms containing
made of whole cloth
someone has made their bed and will have to lie on it
they broke the mould when they made someone
Chinese translation of 'made'
pt, pp
a British-made car一辆(輛)英国(國)制(製)造的汽车(車) (yīliàng Yīngguó zhìzào de qìchē)
Word forms:ptppmade
(= produce, form)[object, clothes, cake]做 (zuò)
⇒ Sheila makes her own bread.希拉自己做面包。 (Xīlā zìjǐ zuò miànbāo.)
[noise]制(製)造 (zhìzào)
⇒ We made a terrible racket as we came out of the club.我们大声喧哗着出了夜总会。 (Wǒmen dàshēng xuānhuázhe chūle yèzǒnghùi.)
[speech]发(發)表 (fābiǎo)
⇒ He made a speech about the need for unity.他发表了有关统一之必要的演讲。 (Tā fābiǎo le yǒuguān tǒngyī zhī bìyào de yǎnjiǎng.)
[remark, suggestion]提出 (tíchū)
⇒ May I make a suggestion?我能提个建议吗? (Wǒ néng tí ge jiànyì ma?)
[mistake]犯 (fàn)
⇒ You have made a terrible mistake.你犯了个严重的错误。 (Nǐ fàn le gè yánzhòng de cuòwù.)
(= manufacture)[goods]生产(產) (shēngchǎn)
⇒ The firm makes a wide range of electrical goods.这家公司生产各种电器产品。 (Zhè jiā gōngsī shēngchǎn gè zhǒng diànqì chǎnpǐn.)
(= cause to be)
to make sb sad使某人难(難)过(過) (shǐ mǒurén nánguò)
⇒ The whole business makes me really angry.整件事使我实在恼火。 (Zhěng jiàn shì shǐ wǒ shízài nǎohuǒ.)
to make sb famous使某人成名 (shǐ mǒurén chéngmíng)
⇒ James Bond, the role that made Sean Connery a star詹姆斯·邦德,这个使肖恩·康纳利成名的角色 (Zhānmǔsī Bāngdé, zhège shǐ Xiāoēn Kāngnàlì chéngmíng de juésè)
to make sth into sth将(將)某物改成某物 (jiāng mǒuwù gǎichéng mǒuwù)
⇒ a disused factory that was made into an art gallery一座废弃的工厂被改成了美术馆 (yī zuò fèiqì de gōngchǎng bèi gǎichéngle měishùguǎn)
(= force)
to make sb do sth促使某人做某事 (cùshǐ mǒurén zuò mǒushì)
(= earn)[money]挣(掙) (zhèng)
⇒ He was making nine hundred dollars a week.他一周挣900美元。 (Tā yī zhōu zhèng jiǔbǎi měiyuán.)
(= equal)
2 and 2 make 42加2等于(於)4 (èr jiā èr děngyú sì)
[friend, enemy]结(結)交 (jiéjiāo)
⇒ I made some good friends at the conference.我在会上结交了一些好朋友。 (Wǒ zài huì shang jiéjiāole yīxiē hǎo péngyou.)
⇒ On his first day at school he made friends with a girl called Janet.他在上学的头一天结交了一位叫珍妮特的女孩。 (Tā zài shàngxué de tóu yī tiān jiéjiāo le yī wèi jiào Zhēnnítè de nǚhái.)
(= cause to be successful) 使成功 (shǐ chénggōng)
⇒ What really makes the book are the illustrations.真正使这本书成功的是它的插图。 (Zhēnzhèng shǐ zhè běn shū chénggōng de shì tā de chātú.)
⇒ Meeting you has really made my day!能认识你实在是我今天最高兴的事! (Néng rènshi nǐ shízài shì wǒ jīntiān zuì gāoxìng de shì.)
(= be, constitute) 成为(為) (chéngwéi)
⇒ She'll make a good teacher.她将会成为一名好老师。 (Tā jiāng huì chéngwéi yī míng hǎo lǎoshī.)
(= brand) 牌子 (páizi) (个(個), gè)
⇒ She couldn't tell what make of car he was driving.她看不出他开的是辆什么牌子的车。 (Tā kàn bù chū tā kāi de shì liàng shénme páizi de chē.)
to make a profit/loss赢(贏)利/赔(賠)钱(錢) (yínglì/péiqián)
to make one's bed铺(鋪)床 (pùchuáng)
to make a fool of sb愚弄某人 (yúnòng mǒurén)
to make it (= arrive) 及时(時)抵达(達) (jíshí dǐdá) (= succeed) 达(達)成目标(標) (dáchéng mùbiāo) (in life) 成功 (chénggōng)
what time do you make it?你表(錶)几(幾)点(點)了? (nǐ biǎo jǐdiǎn le?)
to make good (= succeed) 有成就 (yǒu chéngjiù)
⇒ He was born poor but made good and went to the States.他出身贫苦,但后来颇有成就并去了美国。 (Tā chūshēn pínkǔ, dàn hòulái pōyǒu chéngjiù bìng qùle Měiguó.)
(= carry out)[threat, promise]履行 (lǚxíng)
⇒ Arkoff made good his promise.阿考夫履行了他的诺言。 (Ākǎofū lǚxíngle tā de nuòyán.)
(= put right)[damage, loss]弥(彌)补(補) (míbǔ)
⇒ Three years was a short time in which to make good the deficiencies.用3年时间弥补亏空是很短的。 (Yòng sān nián shíjiān míbǔ kuīkōng shì hěn duǎn de.)
to make do with sth将(將)就某事 (jiāngjiù mǒushì)
it's made (out) of glass是玻璃做的 (shì bōli zuò de)
to have (got) it made (inf) 有成功的把握 (yǒu chénggōng de bǎwò)
Nearby words of
Madam Chairman/Speaker
made from
made of wood
All related terms of 'made'
( produce, form : object, clothes, cake ) 做 zuò ⇒ Sheila makes her own bread. → 希拉自己做面包。 Xīlā zìjǐ zuò miànbāo. ( noise ) 制(製)造 zhìzào ⇒ We made a terrible racket as we came out of the club. → 我们大声喧哗着出了夜总会。 Wǒmen dàshēng xuānhuázhe chūle yèzǒnghùi. ( speech ) 发(發)表 fābiǎo ⇒ He made a speech about the need for unity. → 他发表了有关统一之必要的演讲。 Tā fābiǎo le yǒuguān tǒngyī zhī bìyào de yǎnjiǎng. ( remark, suggestion ) 提出 tíchū ⇒ May I make a suggestion? → 我能提个建议吗? Wǒ néng tí ge jiànyì ma? ( mistake ) 犯 fàn ⇒ You have made a terrible mistake. → 你犯了个严重的错误。 Nǐ fàn le gè yánzhòng de cuòwù.
( wearing make-up ) 化了妆(妝)的 huàlezhuāng de
人造的 rénzào de
( bread, bomb ) 自制(製)的 zìzhì de
made from
用 ... 做成 yòng ... zuòchéng
( clothes ) 现(現)成的 xiànchéng de
made of wood
木制(製)的 mùzhì de
量身定做的 liángshēn dìngzuò de
a British-made car
一辆(輛)英国(國)制(製)造的汽车(車) yīliàng Yīngguó zhìzào de qìchē
it's made (out) of glass
是玻璃做的 shì bōli zuò de
made/done to order
( Comm ) 定制(製) dìngzhì
to be made bankrupt
宣告破产(產) xuāngào pòchǎn
to be made homeless
被弄成无(無)家可归(歸) bèi nòngchéng wú jiā kě guī
to be made redundant
( worker ) 被裁员(員) bèi cáiyuán
to be made up of
由 ... 组(組)成 yóu ... zǔchéng
make of
看待 kàndài ⇒ What did you make of the Prime Minister's speech last night? → 你怎么看待昨晚首相的讲话? Nǐ zěnme kàndài zuówǎn shǒuxiàng de jiǎnghuà?
make up
( constitute ) 构(構)成 gòuchéng ⇒ Women make up two-fifths of the British labour force. → 妇女构成英国劳动力人数的五分之二。 Fùnǚ gòuchéng yīngguó láodònglì rénshù de wǔ fēn zhī èr.
to be heavily made up
浓(濃)妆(妝)艳(豔)抹的 nóng zhuāng yàn mǒ de
he made no attempt to help
他并(並)未试(試)着(著)帮(幫)忙 tā bìngwèi shìzhe bāngmáng
make for
( place ) 走向 zǒuxiàng ⇒ He rose from his seat and made for the door. → 他从座位上起身,向门走去。 Tā cóng zuòwèi shàng qǐshēn, xiàng mén zǒuqù.
make off
逃走 táozǒu
make out
( understand ) 明白 míngbai ⇒ It's difficult to make out what he says. → 他说的话很难让人明白。 Tā shuō de huà hěn nán ràng rén míngbai.
make over
( assign )
she made the dress herself
她自己做的这(這)件连(連)衣裙 tā zìjǐ zuò de zhè jiàn liányīqún
"who made this mess?" — "I did"
"是谁(誰)弄得乱(亂)七八糟的?" "是我" "shì shuí nòng de luànqībāzāo de" "shì wǒ"
the research made some valid points
研究得出了一些有效的论(論)点(點) yánjiū déchūle yīxiē yǒuxiào de lùndiǎn
to be/become or be made manifest
明了/变(變)得明了 míngliǎo/biàn de míngliǎo
make up for
( deficiency ) 弥(彌)补(補) míbǔ ⇒ What the country lacks in natural resources it makes up for in bright ideas. → 国家在自然资源方面的缺乏由明智的决策加以弥补。 Guójiā zài zìrán zīyuán fāngmiàn de quēfá yóu míngzhì de juécè jiāyǐ míbǔ.