Larval occurrence seemed to be influenced by flow velocity, macrofauna diversity and predation pressure.
Gouagna Louis, Rakotondranary Manpionona, Boyer Sebastien, Lempérière Guy, DehecqJean-Sébastien, Fontenille Didier 2012, 'Abiotic and biotic factors associated with the presence of Anopheles arabiensisimmatures and their abundance in naturally occurring and man-made aquatic habitats',Parasites & Vectors Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Seasonality (average temperature and rain intervals) had a significant impact on both meiofauna and macrofauna.
Christoph Ptatscheck, Walter Traunspurger 2015, 'Meio- and Macrofaunal Communities in Artificial Water-Filled Tree Holes: Effects ofSeasonality, Physical and Chemical Parameters, and Availability of Food Resources.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Water depth and turbidity played important roles in the distribution of the macrofauna.
Yong Xu, Fei Yu, Xinzheng Li, Lin Ma, Dong Dong, Qi Kou, Jixing Sui, Zhibin Gan, LinGong, Mei Yang, Yueyun Wang, Yue Sun, Jinbao Wang, Hongfa Wang 2018, 'Spatiotemporal patterns of the macrofaunal community structure in the East China Sea,off the coast of Zhejiang, China, and the impact of the Kuroshio Branch Current',PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0192023. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The soil macrofauna was evaluated with a cylinder of 17 cm diameter.
Maurício Vicente Alves, Júlio Cesar Pires Santos, Deisi Tatiani de Gois, Janaina VeroneziAlberton, Dilmar Baretta 2008, 'Macrofauna do solo influenciada pelo uso de fertilizantes químicos e dejetos de suínosno oeste do estado de Santa Catarina Soil macrofauna as influenced by chemical fertilizersand swine manure use in western Santa Catarina State, Brazil', Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
However, almost all studies have focused on the associations between macrofauna.
Shuai Chang, Jianguo Chen, Jianqiang Su, Yang Yang, Hang Sun 2018, 'Seasonal comparison of bacterial communities in rhizosphere of alpine cushion plantsin the Himalayan Hengduan Mountains', Plant Diversity Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Our data show that macrofauna abundance drops sharply between 13 and 67 ng l(-1).
Tessa C Van Dijk, Marja A Van Staalduinen, Jeroen P Van der Sluijs 2013, 'Macro-invertebrate decline in surface water polluted with imidacloprid.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
No significant seasonal differences were observed in the macrofauna.
Carla Lima Torres Mendes, Abilio Soares-Gomes 2011, 'Macrobenthic community structure in a Brazilian chocked lagoon system under environmentalstress', Zoologia (Curitiba) Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Where macrofauna was widely abundant, hydrogen sulfide was retained within the sediment.
D. Fischer, H. Sahling, K. Nöthen, G. Bohrmann, M. Zabel, S. Kasten 2012, 'Interaction between hydrocarbon seepage, chemosynthetic communities, and bottom waterredox at cold seeps of the Makran accretionary prism: insights from habitat-specificpore water sampling and modeling', Biogeosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
During winter, that macrofauna was represented by just a few individuals.
CARLOS BERTRÁN, JOSÉ ARENAS, OSCAR PARRA 2001, 'Macrofauna del curso inferior y estuario del río Biobío (Chile): cambios asociadosa variabilidad estacional del caudal hídrico Macrofauna of the lower reach and estuaryof Biobío river (Chile): changes associated to seasonal changes of the river flow',Revista Chilena de Historia Natural Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (