a dance and song popular during the French Revolution
the costume worn by many French Revolutionaries, consisting of a short jacket with wide lapels, black trousers, a red liberty cap, and a tricoloured sash
Word origin
C18: from French, probably named after Carmagnola, Italy, taken by French Revolutionaries in 1792
carmagnole in American English
the short jacket with wide lapels, or the costume consisting of this jacket, blacktrousers, a red cap, and tricolored girdle, worn by French Revolutionaries (1792)
a lively song and street dance popular during the French Revolution
Word origin
Fr, altered (after Carmagnola, town in Piedmont, occupied by revolutionaries in 1792) < older carmignole, kind of cap (dial. carmignola, jacket); prob. ult. < L carminare, to card wool < carmen, a card < carrere: see card2