Rice consists of white or brown grains taken from a cereal plant. You cook rice and usually eat it with meat or vegetables.
...a meal consisting of chicken, rice and vegetables.
Thailand exports its fine rices around the world.
rice in British English
an erect grass, Oryza sativa, that grows in East Asia on wet ground and has drooping flower spikes and yellow oblong edible grains that become white when polished
the grain of this plant
3. (transitive) US and Canadian
to sieve (potatoes or other vegetables) to a coarse mashed consistency, esp with a ricer
See also Indian rice
Word origin
C13 rys, via French, Italian, and Latin from Greek orūza, of Oriental origin
Rice in British English
Elmer, original name Elmer Reizenstein. 1892–1967, US dramatist. His plays include The Adding Machine (1923) and Street Scene (1929), which was made into a musical by Kurt Weill in 1947
RICE in British English
noun acronym for
rest, ice, compression, elevation: the recommended procedure for controlling inflammation in injured limbs or joints
Rice in American English
Elmer(born Elmer Reizenstein) 1892-1967; U.S. playwright
rice in American English
an aquatic cereal grass (esp. Oryza sativa) grown widely in warm climates, esp. in East Asia
the starchy seeds or grains of this grass, used as food
verb transitiveWord forms: riced or ˈricing
to put (soft foods, as cooked potatoes) through a ricer
Word origin
ME rys < OFr ris < It riso < L oryza < Gr oryza, oryzon: of Asian orig.; akin to Pashto vrižē, Sans vrīhiḥ, rice