a river in W Europe, rising in S Switzerland in the Rhône glacier and flowing to Lake Geneva, then into France through gorges between the Alps and Jura and south to its delta on the Gulf of Lions: important esp for hydroelectricity and for wine production along its valley. Length: 812 km (505 miles)
a department of E central France, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Capital: Lyon. Pop: 1 621 718 (2003 est). Area: 3233 sq km (1261 sq miles)
Rhone in American English
(roʊn) or Rhône (roʊn)
river flowing from SW Switzerland south through France into the Gulf of Lions: 505mi (813 km)
Word origin
Fr Rhône, prob. < Celt Rodanos, stream name, lit., the flowing one < IE *ered-, to flow < base *er- > run