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View usage for: (rɪtaɪəʳd) 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]A retired person is an older person who has left his or her job and has usually stopped working completely. ...a seventy-three-year-old retired teacher from Florida. Synonyms: pensioned, former, in retirement, pensioned off More Synonyms of retired 2. See also retire retired in British English (rɪˈtaɪəd) adjective1. a. having given up one's work, office, etc, esp on completion of the normal period ofservice a retired headmistress b. (as collective noun; preceded by the) the retired 2. withdrawn; secluded a retired life a retired cottage in the woods retired in American English (rɪˈtaɪrd) adjective1. withdrawn or apart from the world; in seclusion; secluded 2. a. having given up one's work, business, career, etc., esp. because of advanced age b. of or for such retired persons Examples of 'retired' in a sentenceretired These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content.Read more… Even though he'd been a lawyer before he retired I didn't think his small-town practice would have been too demanding.At dawn, with a pleasant weariness finally coming over him, he retired to bed.Even got knighted for his efforts, retired to the English countryside. In other languagesretired British English: retired / rɪˈtaɪəd/ ADJECTIVE A retired person is an older person who has left his or her job and has usually stopped working completely. ...a retired policeman. - American English: retired
- Arabic: مُتَقاعِد
- Brazilian Portuguese: aposentado
- Chinese: 已退休的
- Croatian: umirovljen
- Czech: v důchodu
- Danish: pensioneret
- Dutch: gepensioneerd
- European Spanish: jubilado
- Finnish: eläkkeellä oleva
- French: retraité
- German: pensioniert
- Greek: συνταξιούχος
- Italian: pensionato
- Japanese: 退職した
- Korean: 퇴직한
- Norwegian: pensjonert
- Polish: emerytowany
- European Portuguese: reformado
- Romanian: pensionat
- Russian: находящийся на пенсии
- Latin American Spanish: jubilado
- Swedish: pensionerad
- Thai: ปลดเกษียณ
- Turkish: emekli
- Ukrainian: пенсіонер
- Vietnamese: đã về hưu
Translate your text for free Definition of 'retired'Chinese translation of 'retired' vi - (= give up work)
退休 (tuìxiū) - (frm, = withdraw)
离(離)开(開) (líkāi) - (frm, = go to bed)
就寝(寢) (jiùqǐn)
a seventy-three-year-old retired teacher Synonyms pensioned in retirement pensioned off superannuated ex- Additional synonymsDefinition having been at a previous time I learned from my former boss that it was fun to work. Synonyms previous, one-time, erstwhile, ex-, late, earlier, prior, sometime, foregoing, antecedent, anterior, quondam, whilom (archaic), ci-devant Definition discharged with a pension, owing to age or illness Synonyms retired, discharged, pensioned off, put out to grass (informal) |