adenosine triphosphate; a nucleotide found in the mitochondria of all plant and animal cells. It is the major source of energy for cellular reactions, this energy being released during its conversion to ADP. Formula: C10H16N5O13P3
Also called: ATPase (ˌeɪtiːˈpiːˌeɪz)
ATP in British English2
abbreviation for
advanced turboprop
Association of Tennis Professionals
automatic train protection: a safety system which automatically prevents a train from passing through a stop signal
ATP in American English
a nucleotide, C10H16P3O13N5, present in, and vital to the energy processes of, all living cells
see ADP1
Word origin
adenosine triphosphate
Examples of 'ATP' in a sentence
Hades alters the way mitochondria work - jams them up, makes them convert ATP with less efficiency.